Chapter 8

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Wifey huh

That was so not like you Manoban.  

Where did I get the confidence? 

Well I dunno for myself, all I know is I'm enjoying the comfort of being with her. I like the vibe, ya know. Like I can be my own self when I'm with her, no judgment at all. I would be lying if I'll tell you that she's the most beautiful woman I have laid my eyes upon, that's just overly dramatic. Clearly, I've seen a lot of gorgeous, sexy, and hot women out there. I admit, there's a lot of sexy and beautiful chic here in Auckland. But, her beauty hits me differently. Must be her feline eyes or her chubby cheeks. No—It has something to do with her gummy smile. Well, aside from her undeniable beauty—that's given. It's her personality and attitude that's make her appealing. The way she fired a snarky remark but nevertheless, shows utmost care unbeknownst to her as it goes naturally from her. She's a softie despite her bitchy outlook—it's quite contradicting. Yet, I found it cute. I can go on and on about her feature and traits without being bored. But, it would be a Ruby Jane's Spree. I could only smile sheepishly from my goofy thoughts.

Oh, shoot! I forgot to ask her number, AGAIN. The delightful vibe earlier vanished into the thin air. I stayed rooted against the cold pavement, disappointed. I deeply sigh through my nose, shoulders all droopy.

I was so engrossed and overwhelmed about her presence that I forgot to ask. My shoulders are slump whilst I continue to saunter back to my awaiting best friend.


"Holy mother of chicken!" I clutch the fabric on my chest, trying to even my breath and the pounding of my heart. 

"Chu! What are you doing there." yeah, it was Jisoo who's trying to kill me from a heart attack. As I open the apartment door she was already there with her both hands over her hips. 

"What do you think am I doing her Lalisa!? Where have you been!" she gritted out, nose flaring with rage.

I raised the plastic bag from the convenience store and strides towards the kitchen. She glances at it and follows me from behind.

"But, even still! You're out for almost 3 hours! The store is just a few blocks away." I put the grocery bag on the countertop. She starts to rummage it, while I snatch a bottle of water on the fridge and slug it down.

"I told you I lost tracked of the time." I reasoned out.

"Hold up—" she looks at me with frown written all over her face, "Where's my chicken!?" —oh fuck! Would it be the end of Lalisa Manoban? I haven't enjoyed my life to the fullest yet. 

I gulped hard and rubs my palm to the side of my arm. I smile at her innocently, hoping she would spare me out of it, "I forgot." 

She growls and stomps her feet like a child on the tiled floor. "You didn't buy my chicken! And, yet you have the nerve to buy all these unnecessary stuff!" once again, her nose flares with anger.

"It's essential chu." Since Ruby Jane recommended it. I'm smart enough to keep the notion to myself.

"How did skimmed milk, strawberry cream, and this and that become essential." she points a finger to each of the aforementioned goods. "And—why did you buy rosemary and mint-scented shampoo when we have tons of shampoo in the drawer!?" Blame Ruby Jane, she chooses everything. Well, I'm partly to blame since I comply with her. Why not? I like it when she decided on me. Most of all, I like the satisfied look on her face when she thinks she's dominant over me. 

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