Chapter 3

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Since I'm quite bored sprawling on my bed all day, therefore I decided to stroll around to have some time alone. And I remembered just a perfect place to relish all my uneventful afternoon. I asked my mom to drive me to Awhitu Peninsula where you can find the Manukau Heads Lighthouse it's a great place for sunset viewing. The drive took an hour and 21 min considering that eomma lives in  Auckland Central. 

[Shishou: Credits to the rightful owner of the photo, whoever you are]

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[Shishou: Credits to the rightful owner of the photo, whoever you are]

I kissed eomma's cheek,  hopped out of the car, and waved her goodbye.

"I'll pick you up later sweetie. Enjoy! I love you." she smiles at me through the window.

I beamed at her, "Ne eomma, I love you too! Drive safely." 

I lazily walk onto the cemented pathway pleased by the calming view around me. Maybe I'm enjoying the walk too much to haven't noticed that I'm already in front of the lighthouse. It's Saturday today figures why I can't see a lot of people. I set my foot on the stair and started ascending upstairs. 

Minutes have passed and the once calming blue sky slowing turning into the hue of orange and ginger red, my smile widens at the sight I'm seeing. I love dusk the way I love dawn. I was deeply immersed from the warm sensation over my chest, not until— 

Click! Click!

I snap almost instantly hearing the shutter of a camera.

What the fuckity fuck, did the paps follow me? 

—Or so I thought.

But, then when I spun to look around and face the bastard ready to murder him or her right on the spot, of course, it was all powered by exaggeration. Instead of berating, I held my tongue back, unable to speak. Can't even compose a single vowel. Who can anyway? When all of the answers to my misery, I mean questions are just right in front of me. A pair of brown doe eyes who look right deep down onto my soul.

Oh god, breath Jennie, breath!

An oh-so-tall blonde beauty holding her camera stood on the end of the stairs leanting her side against the railing looking so cool.

Right there, I knew what I'm missing. 

"Beautiful," I mutter to myself. Hope she didn't hear it. That would be embarrassing as hell.

She smiles at me apologetically and walks towards me. I figured she's saying something but all I can hear is muffled words coming from her sexy lips moving utterly slow, or was it just in my head? I'm too focused on her sexy–crap what's wrong with me?!

Again– I'm giving her lips too much attention that I did not notice she's already in front of me snapping her fingers. I furrowed my brows not seeming to understand what's she's trying to say.

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