Chapter 35 Part 2 [FINALE]

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Jennie's POV

After the plane landed at Bangkok International Airport, Jisoo and I went straight out of the airport. But we were stopped and blocked by two lean men in their suits.

They bowed 90 degrees towards us and said, "Welcome home, Ms. Jisoo."

Woah! I didn't know Jisoo was some kind of big shot here in Thailand.

Jisoo just nodded; they took our luggage and ushers us to the car. I was anxious all throughout the ride, clicking my fingers just to ease my pounding heart.

"Let's head straight to the cemetery," Jisoo said.

Later on, after, I think, a half hour, we made it to the parking lot of the cemetery, where men and women wearing black dresses and suits were all over the place. Some are crying, and some have sullen faces. Jisoo leads me towards where Lisa is. Walking past every tombstone, my heart started to pound hard along with the prick on it. I clench my hands firmly.

People crowded in the middle of the cemetery, sending grief to the families who lost their loved ones. She was standing there, her trembling shoulders all slumped down. Even if she's facing her back at us, I know she's my baby; I know she's Lisa.

"Lisa..." Jisoo called out.

She spun around with a trickled-stain face, drawing a sad smile at Jisoo. Jisoo wastes no time; she embraces Lisa, uttering her sympathy and blinking her tears away.

Seeing her so broken like this makes me want to run to her and embrace her tightly in my arms.

When they pulled away from the hug, Jisoo looked my way, motioning for me to come near them.

For a second, I could see the surprise in her face, yet it turned back to being sullen. Her doe eyes reflect grief and sorrow. It was as if the life in her eyes had died.

"Jennie, you came."

I didn't utter a word. I threw my body at her, encircling my arms around her, soothing her back over and over. I was already crying; my whole body was shaking. She hugged me back, sobbing hard against my hair. My heart sank; I can't bear to see her in this state.

I can hear murmurs from people around me saying, Isn't that Jennie from black velvet? Or what's her relationship with Pran? Some are native languages in Thailand, which I don't understand, and others are inaudible. But I pay no mind to it. All I could think about is Lisa, who's in her weak state, clinging to me dearly.

After she stops crying, Jisoo gives her water to calm her tense nerves. A middle-aged woman approaches us, which Jisoo engulfs in her arms.

"Auntie, my deepest condolences."

"Thank you, Chu. Thank you for always being around my Pran." They pulled away from the hug. The woman then glanced at me and said, "And who might this gorgeous woman be?" She must be Lisa's mom. I get nervous all of a sudden.

Jisoo and Lisa went mute; they were staring at each other. It seems like they don't have any plans to introduce me.

I bowed my head, showing my respect. "I'm Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, ma'am, um, um, Lisa's girlfriend." Jisoo chokes from her own saliva while my baby widens her swollen eyes.

"Oh, my Pran stumbles upon some fine lady in Korea." She went all smiley, opening her arms and gesturing for a hug. I glance at Lisa, asking her what to do, and she just nods. Mrs. Manoban, engulf me in a motherly hug.

"I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am." I was teary-eyed; my voice was shaky from suppressing my emotion.

She hushed me, brushing her hands against my hair. "Shhh, honey, it's alright. Everything happened for a reason. It will make us even stronger; we'll just need to accept and move forward." She's soothing me with her trembling voice, and even though she's hurting, she manages to calm me. She's really Lisa's mother.

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