Chapter 11 [M]

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"Well, that's quite an achievement at a young age. Your parents must be so proud of you." she completely halt from walking—her shoulder tensed up, gripping my hand firmly but not enough to hurt me. 

Did I push the wrong button?

"hmmm-mmm." she just shrugs and resumes striding while swinging our hands to and fro. The curved on my face slowly turn into a wide smile, staring at our intertwined hands, they perfectly fit together. 

I can sense there's something up, anyhow, it would be rude of me to prod when we barely knew each other. 

"Um, anyway. Let's eat I'm hungry." I initiate the topic to lighten the mood, dragging her with me.

"Wait? Are you asking me for a dinner date?" she walks beside me, plastering a smug smile on her beautiful face. That smile again.

I'm still not recovering from the fact that we're holding hands right now. My heart is pounding against my chest. 

"Just dinner, don't get too ahead of yourself." I sassily said and roll my eyes at her. But, I can't deny the fact that I'm loving this. 


When we arrived at the fine cuisine within the resort the waiter assisted us to a vacant table near the window facing the ocean with the dusk meeting the horizon. We settled ourselves and right off the waiter strutted in handling the menu. He takes out his pen and a note pad waiting for us to make an order. 

"I'll just have Veal Piccata" she orders while putting the menu aside. 

"And for drinks ma'am?" asked the waiter. 

"Chenin blanc for two." 

"Where on the beach, why not try some plates of seafood?" I look up at her, she just crunches her nose in response. What a cutie

Right there, I knew she's not a fan of seafood and whatsoever you can find in the ocean. I mean how did I know? Well, the menu offers a lot of mouthwatering seafood dishes, and yet, there's Lisa who ordered the only meat on the menu, Veal Piccata is a small tender cutlet of beef. So, what do you think it is?

"Linguine Allo scoglio for me, and for dessert, hmmm — 2 Affogato. " I smiled at him politely, he walks out after redoing our order.

Once I glanced at Lisa, she was looking outside the window deep in her thought. What's bothering you, Lisa?

"Um, Lisa?" she slowly dragged her head and landed her gazes at me.


"I'm Ruby Jane Kim, ya know to properly introduce myself?" I extended my hand across the table, and flaunt my gummy smile, her eyes focused on my lips and I blush at that. 

She accepted my hand and squish it gently, "Kim huh? Uh, I'm Lalisa Manoban it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kim." She chuckles, I rolled my eyes at her pulling my hands away.

"Lalisa huh? HmmmI hope you don't mind Lis but, you don't look like New Zealander to me?" did I just call her Lis? It surely caught her completely off guard.

"Yeah, Not at all. I'm actually a Thai national. And, I also figured you're not Kiwi National yourself?" 

Before I could answer her, the food arrive and we started munching the mouthwatering cuisine. I moan once the saucy firm pasta satisfies my tastebud. Lisa started coughing, I hand her my glass of water.

"You okay?" she just wave her hand and nodded at me. 

I  glance at her, "In actuality, I'm Korean — just here to visit my mom." and continue on the topic where we left.

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