Chapter 14

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[Shishou: Credits to the rightful owner of the photo, whoever you are. ]


Third Person's POV

"I'm on my way, Auntie Madame... Yeah, you too. Bye!" the blonde ended up the phone call after she bid her goodbye to the person on the phone.

She steps on the accelerator and maneuvers the car out of the apartment parking space. After a few left and right turns and one swift u-turn Lisa arrived at one of the most well-known Italian restaurants in the town which she invested her money in. It was actually a business partnership, her partner handles the business. They have a few branches in Australia and around New Zealand.

Once she steps out of her car, the blonde is then and there assisted by the staff who seems already aware of her arrival.

The young lean guy who's wearing a waiter's uniform bowed politely, "Good mornin' Ms. Manoban, she's already waiting inside for you, I'll escort you to her."

Lisa waved her hand, politely dismissing the guy, "No, you don't have to. Just tell me where she is."

"She's at the second floor, VIP lounge Ma'am." He bows again and proceeds to his work.

Lisa climb off the luxurious stairs," She's really a fan of Mediterranean style." she mutters to herself with a smile on her lips while tracing her fingers on the handrail.

She lurches towards the VIP lounge and looks for her date. There, she saw the woman sitting elegantly while looking out the window. She saunters towards the table. The woman senses her presence and looks her way. She abruptly stood up, smiling warmly, opening her arms towards the blonde gesturing for a hug.

"My favorite person! God, I miss you so much sweetie!" she engulfs Lisa into a tight embrace.

Lisa matches the hug with the same passion, "I miss you too Auntie Madame."

"You never came to visit me, I'm starting to think I'm not important to you." the woman playfully said while pulling away from the embrace.

Lisa pouted at her," You know that's not true Auntie madame, You're like a mother to me."

The woman grins warmly at her remark, the two women flump on the wooden Mediterranean-style chair, and right away the waiter came with their food.

Lisa isn't surprised at all, "You really know my taste Auntie," Lisa said, winking at the middle-aged woman.

"Of course sweetie, I know you for years and I consider you as my own." she sincerely replied to the fluttered blonde. She considers the middle-aged woman in front of her as her family. 

"Um, I'm very sorry to interrupt ma'am. But, what do you like to have for a drink?" the waiter politely asks and bows a little.

The woman glance at Lisa, "I'm fine with anything, Auntie." Lisa said, grinning at the woman.

"Okay then, we'll have chablis please." she turned her gaze to the waiter.

"Right away Mrs. Kim, I'll excuse myself." he bows again and leave the VIP lounge.

They turned their focus on the food while exchanging about their venture for months. They talked like they haven't seen each other for years.

"Sweetie, why don't you consider dating my baby." Mrs. Kim said out of nowhere, sipping her glass of white wine.

She keeps on pushing Lisa on a date with her daughter while Lisa keeps on turning down the idea in the most polite way she can muster.

Lisa cough hearing Mrs. Kim's declaration, she quickly grabbed the glass of water near her and chug it down. She taps her chest repeatedly.  After she recovered, she breathe out heavily, putting the emptied glass at the table.

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