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[Shishou: for the alien who keeps on whining. xx chan]


It's one chilly afternoon, and a woman holding her camera is walking casually on the pristine beachside of Fraser Island, Australia, taking photos of the literary wondrous view. Where the dusk meets the horizon, the skies engulf within the hues of mixed orange and ginger red. It was calming.

Scanning each of the images, seeing how she captured the beautiful scenery in her camera, her lips curled up, forming a satisfied grin. She was so engrossed, shuffling on her camera, not even paying a single bit of attention to her surroundings.

"Can I be your subject for today's shoot?"

Her smile falters, slowly ripping her focus off the camera and looking up to the person who owns the alluring voice that echoes through her eardrums, sending an alert signal throughout her body. She was standing mere feet away from her. Her heart is beating so fast; it's the first time her heart feels so alive again in almost 4 years. A lump knotted in her throat, slowly dragging on the tip of her mouth, which she could only gulp hard to get rid of. She is the only woman who can make her go crazy and make her heart go wild. She's smiling brightly, showing her dazzling smile. The smile she misses so much. Howbeit, the longing is evident in the woman's feline eyes; tears were glistening in the corner of her eyes, threatening to fall.

"Jennie..." she breathed out, her hands all clammy. It was like the first time they met. She was damn nervous.

The beating of her heart doubles; she's breathing erratically as if all the air knocked out of her lungs. All the reason was when the woman walked towards her, sending her a bashful smile with hands tangled at her back.

Stopping a foot apart from her, the feline gazes at her doe eyes. "Am I not qualified? I can do nude if you want," she teases while sending a wink at the Thai.

Lisa gulped the nervousness that formed in her throat; it was shameful that she was hit in the gut, unable to speak. Frankly speaking, a part of her considered Jennie's offer; of course, it was her lewd side. She can even see the scenario playing in the back of her mind; thus, she shakes her head to get rid of the perverted thought.

Jennie giggles, pinching Lisa's blushing cheeks. "Let me guess; you'd imagine me being naked and posing in front of you, daringly looking at your camera."

"N-no. Why would I?" She stammers and looks away, trying to hide her embarrassment; surely she was caught in the act. It was a shameful act. Was the woman a mind-reader? Or was it the obvious pink tinge on her cheeks that sold her out?

"Too bad, I was all for it," she smirked devilishly, shamelessly wetting her own lips, trying to goad the awkward Lisa.

"Yo-you do?"

Jennie burst out into a peal of graceful laughter. She then leans forward, pressing her cheeks on Lisa's chest, and encircles her arms around Lisa's waist, hugging the Thai. She was still laughing her heart out against her chest. The Thai was hesitant whether she would return the hug or not, but she threw her reasoning out of the window and wrapped the woman in her arms, albeit being bashful.

"I'm home again," Jennie whispered whilst releasing a sigh of contentment, snuggling on Lisa's neck. Indeed, it's the place she belongs—the place she could call home. After all, Lisa is her safe haven, her sanctuary.

"I miss you so much, Jennie."

"I'm all for eternity now, baby."

"Hmmm-mmm, marry me then," Lisa jests, chuckling.

"Do you have a ring? If you'd ask me to marry you now, then let's." Jennie beamed at her.

Lisa choked on her own saliva. "Why so eager? We just reunited again for almost 4 years. And here we are talking about marriage.

She was hindered from rambling when her mouth was occupied by Feline's aggressive kisses, sucking her lower lip hard, and grunts slipped out of her mouth. Oh, she wouldn't complain anyway; on the contrary, she's loving the feeling, enjoying how her lips are entangled with her woman's soft plump lips.

"Less talk, more kisses," Jennie demanded between their hot kisses.

In a few, the two pulled away, catching their breath. They stared into each other's eyes, endearingly sending their longing emotions.

"I love you so much, wifey."

"I love you so, baby."

And they ravish each other's lips again.

This time, it's just you and me. No more hindrances. No more drama. No more Jennie Kim, the Black Velvet member, but rather Jennie Manoban, the lawfully married wife of Lalisa Manoban.

No more buts; end of the story!

No more buts; end of the story!

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