Chapter 24

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Lisa's POV

It's been days since I went to crashed on Jennie's place. I'm back to being a busy career woman now. After finishing all my work at the office I would always come to check the restaurant as per Auntie madame's ordered for she's back in Auckland, NZ. I don't have a choice but to compel after all we're business partners. 

See? I'm too wrapped up, I don't have much time to spare with My Jennie.

My? When did you own her? The devil in my shoulder appeared again, mocking me. 

Can you just let me be!? I dust him off of my shoulder. 

Anyways, we still stay in touch, exchanging calls and messages every now and then. But, I'm too drained, tired, exhausted, what else? 

I wanted to see her.

 I have never been this so frustrated being occupied with work back in Auckland. In contrast, I'm enjoying it. But, now it's like I'm in a great ordeal, it's hindering me from having my time with Jennie. 

I groan, burying myself from these piles of paper shits, I mean paper sheet on my office table. My butts are hurting already, I've been reviewing this for hours now. 

In time, my secretary knocks on the door, bringing me my cup of coffee and my requested croissant. I knew she went some hassle to bought it, considering the company's cafeteria doesn't offer croissants.

 "Thanks, Mina, your effort is very much appreciated." I gleefully said. 

I'm not really a fan of dark coffee but, It's my partner now since I have to be fully awake if I wanted to finish this before midnight.

She smiles bashfully, "Oh, It's not really that much boss. I'm just doing my job."

"Even still, it's inconvenient on your part." I smiled gratefully. 

"It's the least I can do to ease your stress boss." 

I was glad, having a considerate employee such as her.

"Oh, you can go now, I'll call you If something's up."

She bows a little and excuses herself. I indulge myself with the cup of warm coffee inclining from my leather chair, still scanning Jisoo's Department proposal. Well, it's kinda interesting, I knew she's top-notch when it comes to marketing strategies and principles. She's an intelligent woman if she acts on it.

Minutes later, Mina informed me about the meeting with Marketing Department; it includes the Web design team, Web development team, Content staff, and the Marketing team itself leads by my dorky friend, Jisoo.

When I arrived together with Mina, they had already set up the meeting room, with laptops connected to the large screen put up in the white wall, with Jisoo's taking the lead. 

I guess they're ready for the presentation. 

I slouch on the swivel chair, while Mina's handling the folder that contains the presentation. They are all waiting for my signal to start, I just give them a nod. 

Jisoo signaled one of her team that's assigned to the presentation functions. She inhales and started discussing their proposal. All my attentions are focus on her, how Jisoo presents her ideas smoothly. I bobbed my head, instilling her ideals on my head. 

"We can drive sales and revenue to the company if we focus on media marketing more, we can promote on different channels and sources. And for that, we should maintain current knowledge of new trends and developments in different media. To conclude our proposal, the company should ensure active promotions and campaigns on different mediums, like social media, email, web advertising, and other sources." she looks my way and ends her presentation with a bow and a smile, more like a smirk if you ask me. 

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