Chapter 17

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Jennie's POV


I sigh a hundred times already. Been a month since I left Auckland. The girls keep on pestering me about my vacation there. Since they think that I've changed a little. I can't blame them, I was too down the first 2 weeks I got back. I just made up some excuse so, they won't suspect me.

"Hey, eonnie? Are you really okay?" Rosé ask again, the girl is really concerned about me.

I snap from my reverie and look at the concerned chipmunk

"Yeah, I just missed eomma." I smiled at her and caress her hair.

She nodded and went back scrolling on her phone.

We're currently inside the company's car, we're on our way to our Agency. We will be having a dance practice for our new song which will be released next month, we really are excited about it.

"Where's manager eonnie? What's taking her so long?" Nayeon whines at the back.

I look at her and rolled my eyes. I was about to scold her but Irene eonnie beat me to it.

"She's not the only customer Nayeon. So, please stop acting like a spoiled brat." she side-glance and rolled her eyes at the sulking Nayeon and inclined her back while scrolling to her phone. While Nayeon pouts her lips and fidgets on her phone.

I pursed my lips together, Rosé and I exchange glances. I lean my head at the window finding something interesting outside. Maybe counting the people who went in and out of the restaurant. If that's interesting for you.

My eyes went wide and I sat up straight right away, which startled the chipmunk who's sitting beside me. She's eyeing me suspiciously.

Oh my god! Is that really her? I rub my eyes to confirm what I just saw.

"It can't be her" I mumble to myself.

What is she doing here in Seoul?

Is she following me? No, definitely not.

I look back at the two women who went inside the restaurant side by side. She's really here, her height, her blonde hair, her posture, and the way she walks. It's her, It's Lisa, the woman I met in Auckland, the woman I left. And the girl beside her, it must be her girlfriend Jisoo, even from afar I can tell that the woman is beautiful, she's clinging to Lisa.

I look away at the sight, stoping my tears from falling. I clench the fabric in my chest.

"Eonnie?" It was Rosé who scooted closer to me.

I take a deep breath. I look her way and give her the fakest smile I could ever muster.

"What is it Rosé? Do you happen to need something?"

She furrowed her brows at me, "What's bothering you eonnie? Who's her?" --Oh crap she heard it?

Act normal Jennie

"Who's who?" It was Irene eonnie who leaned forward and peek her head between us and looked at us back and forth.

"Jennie eonnie was looki--fmmsjsjugbbakkauhd" I covered her mouth before she could spill something that isn't supposed to be out.

I smile at eonnie," Nothing eonnie, I was just looking outside waiting for manager eonnie." Irene eonnie nodded and lean back to her seat while I glared at the panicking chipmunk.

I pull my hands away and slumped my back at the backrest while closing my eyes. Seems like fate is really teasing me. Why do I have to see you again?

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