Chapter 13

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Jisoo's POV

Glady, I'm having my exposure.

Welp, I already message the monkey not to pick me up. I know she's tired already, I don't want to impose so much on that ugly Monkey.

If you'd ask why I don't have a car. My answer is; I just don't feel like it. Got a problem with that?

Anyhow, on my way home I stop at the chicken restaurant to buy some chicken, of course, it's a chicken restaurant after all. I also buy the monkey her favorite croissant.

Speaking of the Monkey, I knew there's something up with her. Considering her changing moods. One time I've seen her smiling to herself like a lunatic. And, what intrigued me more is her attitude earlier, I never heard her so down like that, since that happened.

Moving on, I walk down the street, hailing a cab since I can't walk from here down to our apartment. That's way too far. I can't let my sexy feet suffer. You know, girls are dying to kiss these feet. Just look at the smugness on my face.

I get in the cab and settle myself buckling the seatbelt.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver glance at me in his rear-view mirror.

"403, Queen Street. Volt's." he nods and started maneuvering the steering wheel. 

I take out my phone, updating my IG account. I must really engrossed with my phone I didn't even notice that we're already in front of the apartment. I give him the right amount and went out.

Once I got inside I was welcomed by the darkness of the apartment room. I thought Lisa was already here? I march to the kitchen putting the box of chicken and Lisa's croissant at the countertop. I fish out my phone, dialing the monkeys i.d.

I furrowed my brows hearing the faint ringtone coming from Lisa's room. I followed the sound and halt when I stand face to face with her door. I raised my hand and balled my fist. I'm about knock-- wait?

That's not like you Jisoo! Remember you don't knock. You barge in! Don't forget your tradition. Okay enough

I twisted the knob and peek my head inside the pitch-black room. I slid my body inside, switching the bedside lamp on.

My eyes instantly landed on the body laying on the bed. She's sleeping soundly. I walk and stop next to the bed. I drag a sigh. I can't bear to see her like this. Positive, there's something bothering her. How did I know? Well, because, she's hugging Jackson's photo again? It's been so long since she bring the picture out. But, I can't really put a finger on it. I don't really have an idea what's goin' on to her this time. 

Don't blame me if I don't know okay? For Fuck's sake I know I'm gorgeous but, I'm not perfect! I'm flawed you know? I'm human too!

I slouch on the bed, pushing aside the stray hair obscuring her face. I can see the tears stain on her cheeks. I know all these years she's acting all tough. Something must really triggered her.

I breathe out heavily.

When will I see you breaking free Lisa?

When will you let it go?

When will you stop hurting?

When will I see you be genuinely happy without the shackles of the past?


I felt warm liquid streaming down on my cheeks, I touch the liquid with my fingers and wipe it right away. Geez! So much for the drama Jisoo, this is RomCom.

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