Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV

Sunday, Jennie, and the girl's day off. Irene the oldest went home to bond with her family. However, Nayeon and Rosé choose to stay at their apartment. Jennie wanted to stay as well but, when she received a message from her mom saying she's in Korea she immediately changes her mind. She packs few things and went home to welcome her mom's arrival.

When she arrived home, her mom's waiting for her in the living room already. She abandoned her things and run off to her mom, hugging her tightly.

"Aigoo, my baby princess misses me? Did you miss eomma that much?" she asked while stroking Jennie's hair.

The brunette beamed at her, showing her gummy smile," Ne eomma, why don't you just stay here in Korea?" still hugging her mom's waist.

Mrs. Kim usher's them to the couch, "You know I can't sweetie, I can't leave our business there." she leans her back at the couch's backrest.

The brunette frown, showing her protest at her mom's," Why can't you just let your partner slash favorite person handles it?" she rolls her eyes once she finishes.

"Speaking of, she's actually here in Seoul. And, she's going to handle our upcoming branch here." the middle-aged woman joyfully said almost jumping from the couch. 

Jennie creased her forehead," She? Wait eomma, she's a girl? And yet, you keep on bugging me to date her, A woman?"

Her mom just laughs at her, "Why Jennie? As far as I know, you're not homophobic, I don't know if you're into girls or boys or what. But, regardless of her gender, I know you're gonna like her sweetie."

"That isn't the point eomma, are you really fine with it?"

"With what sweetie?"

"Ya know? Me dating a woman?" she anxiously inquired.

"If it's my favorite person, why not? Either way, as long as you're happy, whoever it is. I'm fine with it." she strokes her daughter's hair and pinches her cheeks.

She hugs her mother and cooed at her, "Ahhh eomma"

She pushes herself up off of the couch, "Okay, enough of the drama, I'll get going now, sweetie. I'll be meeting her, my favorite person."

She leans to give her mom's a peck on the cheek, "Bye eomma, love lots!"

"I'll be back in the arvo sweetie." she waves at her daughter and walks out.

After few hours, Jennie's getting bored. She's waiting for someone to call or send her a message and that someone apparently busy at the moment. She did everything in the house that she thinks could ease her boredom but, she failed.

She throws her phone on the bed leaving it unattended and focuses herself on scanning Forbes magazine. When her phone lit up and vibrated to the soft mattress she throws the magazine and picks her phone up.

Her bright smile turns into a frown seeing Nayeon's name instead of someone she's actually waiting for.

Message Alert:

Bunny: Girl, we're kinda bored. Let's hang out!

Jennie drags a sigh.

It's better than doing nothing, Jennie thought.

Me:'kay, same place. I'll be using my car.

Bunny:'atta girl. I'll drag the chipmunk with me. Love ya!

She stares at her phone again for a couple of minutes. When she realizes she's not getting anything from a certain blonde, she groans and throws her phone back at the bed.

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