Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

It's been 2 weeks since Lisa's worked with her immediate transfer and her promotion. The South Korean branch is all ready for her to take over.

She's having meetings with the board and other executives here and there. Lisa quite has a tight schedule for 2 weeks now. Don't even ask about Jisoo, she's not even glancing at her all-time favorite chicken wings. That's just how busy she is. She keeps on throwing tantrums at Lisa whenever they're at home saying she doesn't have alone time with her chicken anymore.


Days pass, everything's settled all that's left is briefing her team and appointing the new Department head. She already has a successor in mind. She knows that the person she chooses is deserving and can lead the whole team well efficiently.

They're now at the meeting room waiting for their boss, the room is surprisingly peaceful, all you could ever hear is the ticking of the clock on the wall, like the people inside the room, are mourning for someone's loss.  Which partially correct at some point, they will lose a good, career-driven, and intelligent boss. When they heard about the news about their boss transferring to a different branch. It receives a variety of reactions from the people who work close to the blonde. Some are emotional and dismayed, while some are already crying like for instance; Jasmine who adores their boss too much.

Lisa strides inside the quiet room, she stands in front while scanning everyone. She meets the gazes of her team who are showing different emotions. She stayed quiet for a while. She doesn't want to be emotional in front of the people she works for 4 years. It's hard for her to leave her second home but, she has to. 

The blonde bites her lower lips and smiles afterward, "You already know why I called for a meeting right." she starts, no one dares to speak.

"For formality, I'm here to inform you that I'm transferring as the acting president of South Korea's branch. And, this meeting is not just about that. The main concern of this meeting is the appointment of the New Department head." everyone gasps at the information revealed by their boss, they start murmuring about who's going to take over the position.

"Listen, people, the board and the president already approve the person I recommended at the board meeting. So, I want you to respect whoever it is." she looks from every corner of the room taking all the reactions from her team.

"Mr. Andrew Gibson, I want you to give you're thought about it, as the New Department head." Lisa grin at the former TL, she gestures to the guy in front to give his insight about it. Andrew hesitantly stood up and march to where his boss standing at. He scratches his nape, embarrassed.

"I knew it would be Drew!" Connor said from the farthest corner of the room.

They all agree with his remark by nodding their heads, they're satisfied with it.

Lisa encourage him to speak, the blushing guy nodded at her, "Um, I know I can't compare to Boss or even stand on the same ground with her. But, I'll do my utmost best to be a progressive leader. I may be lacking at some points but I'll work on it. Bear with me everyone." He bows 90 degrees and everyone clap and cheered for him. Lisa smile proudly at him, she walks towards the New Department head and tap his shoulder.

"You deserve it drew."


1 week later

Incheon International Airport

Tuesday 10:21 am

The duo walks out of the busy Airport side by side. They head to the waiting area to meet their chauffeur. Even though Jisoo is a pure-blooded Korean, she's not quite familiar with the place since she grew up abroad. While Lisa had never been to Korea before.

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