Chapter 29 Part 2

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Jennie's POV


That's the hundred times Lisa has cussed for this afternoon. She keeps on mumbling curses and hissing between her gritted teeth. I rub her back calming her tensed nerve. She swiftly glances at me, sending me her seemingly drained smile. I knew she had enough. She heaves a deep sigh as if the world's weight falls upon her.

"Baby, we'll make this through. Be patient okay?"

She breathes out, letting her anger subside. Draping her arm around my shoulder.

"This is so frustrating Jennie. I mean, look at the line, it's much longer than my patience" she frowns while groaning impatiently.

I perk my brows when I heard something unusual.

"Jennie? Who's Jennie?" I throw an attitude at her.

"Oh, my bad! Baby, Wifey. Are we good now?" she sarcastically said.

"We're great!" I beamed, slightly tiptoeing to peck on her cheeks.

We're currently in a queue in a movie theater, waiting for our turn to get inside the dim room. We actually didn't expect that it would be this crowded. It's actually my request to have a movie night with Lisa, for the fact that the movie we pick is kinda famous so, we end up in this situation. Thank God, no one has recognized me yet.

The long wait is over, finally, it's our turn. We choose to sit on the last row on the right side. In the middle of the indulgence of my ice-cold tea, the movie started rolling. Lisa was too focus on the screen, without even blinking her eyes, if it's possible. She must have noticed that I'm staring at her instead, of the theater screen for she quickly glances at me plastering her lop-sided grin. Lisa then swiftly entwined our hands together.

I just sigh in content.

The most awaited scene is almost near, it's getting intense. My heart is pounding hard, I was deeply hooked on the movie.

"This is shit, watta waste of money! Boring movie." It's the fucking bastard sitting in front of us, dissing the most award-winning movie of the year. He really dared?

Aigoo! I bet he's closing his eyes the whole time. Or maybe, he doesn't have a good sense in differentiating good movies to bullshits! I feel like stabbing him with my Ice-cold tea straw. 

I hissed with gritted teeth.

I took a deep breath, calming my nerves.

"You can leave if you want, no one's forcing you." Lisa spat bluntly, still fixing her gaze on the screen. She spoke loud enough for the man to hear. I look her way, internally cheering for her, clapping my hands together.

The man turns around, clicking his tongue. He swiftly turns back to his seat when no one's giving a damn about him, neither Lisa nor Me.

The movie was great, especially that I'm with the most important human in my life right now.

 But, of course, our date wouldn't be complete without having our dinner. My girlfriend made a call for the reservation.

All through the ride, I was gazing at her, more like gawking at my beautiful girlfriend. I just can't believe that this person belongs to me, she's mine. Yeah, I owned her. If you have complaints then, go hit 911.

Anyway, I sometimes felt I don't deserve someone like her. She's way too kind, loving, and reasonable.

"We're here Wifey"

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