Chapter 22

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Jennie's POV

"That was, unexpected." Lisa chuckles, leaning her elbow on the railing.

We're actually at the restaurant's second floor's veranda after we finished eating, she insisted that the spot is good for relieving some stress. Indeed, I was kinda stressed back there.

If you're asking about Jisoo and Rosé, well I also don't have any clue where on earth are they. I don't even know when they got close to each other. Jisoo really moves fast. All hail Jisoo.

"Totally! I was amazed how fate works." I said while focusing my attention on the view in front of us. When I didn't get a response from Lisa I look her way, she's staring at me. I stared back of course! I can't lose in a staring contest.

"You think we're fated to meet?" she seriously ask.

I just shrug my shoulders not really knowing what to respond. I glance back at the breathtaking sight in front.

"Come to think of it, mom keeps on pushing me to date her favorite person, and to think it was you?" I shake my head, thinking of all the events that happened. The grin's never leaving my face.

Lisa chuckles, she looks away gazing at the dark gloomy skies, "And, I was also avoiding dating you. Auntie was so persistent. I had a bloody time dealing with her."

"I'm telling you, she's really a tough case." I laugh remembering how arduous my mom was.

"But if I knew it was you, I wouldn't have a second thought."

I glance at her, studying her side profile. No doubt, she really is beautiful.

"The same for me," I whispered, smiling to myself.

We went silent for quite some time, appreciating the view has offered us. It's not an awkward silence. In fact, it was comforting. Her mere presence is enough to calm me.

I shivered when the cold breeze hit my not-so-well-covered body. Welp, I'm wearing a thin off-shouldered dress.

My body stops from shuddering when a body's pressed behind my back. It was Lisa, hugging me from behind. Her hands were on my waist while her head was tucked on the crook of my neck. Oh God, she's taking in my scent. I can feel her nose skimming the side of my neck. All the hair in my body stood up.

I hold onto her hands that securely cradling on my waist.

"This is much better than offering my jacket with you, If I give you my jacket I'll end up getting cold. But, If I do it this way, I can get you warm without sacrificing myself. It's a win-win don't you think?

I giggled at what she said, "Silly! Why don't you just admit it, that you're finding ways just to hug me."

"I'm busted, eh?" she chuckles while tightening her arms around me.

I hummed, I felt my body relax into her embrace. I tilted my head back, resting it on her shoulders while closing my eyes. Her scent is calming every tensed nerve in my body. To think that it was just a single person doing this to me, a woman at that. But, who am I kidding? Even If my mind denied it a thousand times, my heart and body are speaking out the truth that I'm really craving for her. Not just her touch, but her whole being. Damn!

After a couple of minutes, I whip my head in Lisa's direction she's still snuggling comfortably on my neck. I tap her cheek, she just hummed at me.

"Let's head home Lis, It's gettin' late."

"Right, let's get ya home."


Rosé's POV

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