Chapter 18

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Third Person's POV

It was Sunday morning when the duo decided to hit the neighborhood's stores. Their flat is actually located on the busy street of Hongdae, Seoul South Korea.

They're strolling around, busy scanning every store that caught their interest. The two end up in a convenience store to fill their empty pantry.

Upon entering the establishment the blonde got struck on her track, she stood frozen. She stared at the promotional standee of some alcoholic drink. Jisoo, who have seen her dumbstruck friend stood in between. She inspects the standee while looking back at the blonde. She poses like a dumb model besides the standee.

"Korean women are beautiful, right Lis? You should take me as an example." Still flaunting her non-existent breast.

Are you fucking kidding me? It's Ruby Jane!? Lisa thought.

So, all this time she's some sort of celebrity? Oh fuck. Lisa's other thought, not minding Jisoo in front of her.

"Hey, Lisa? Li-Ma-Rio!?" Jisoo waves her hands right at the Thai's face to get her attention. Lisa snap from her thought and shake her head, "L-let's get inside chu" she drag Jisoo while glancing back at the standee.

Jisoo was conflicted as to why her friend acted that way. But, she just brushed it off once she saw packs of chicken nuggets in the frozen section. She rushed towards it and put tons of it in the cart.

After the long queue in the cash registry, finally they finished and went back to their flat. The blonde put all the grocery bags on the countertop and went straight to the living room. She stretches her limbs while dropping her body on the leather couch. On the other hand, Jisoo walks towards her, holding chips in her hand while playing on her phone. She slouches herself at the single couch on the opposite side of Lisa. The blonde started closing her eyes to take a nap.


"Lis! Scram! I forgot we're attending Jeongyeon's party tonight!" She abruptly stood and stuff her mouth with chips and run towards her bedroom.

Lisa almost drifted off to sleep, she groan against the throw pillow. "It's not Jeongyeon's party, it's her girl's!"

"It's still the same! Now, move your ass up Lisa! I don't wanna be late!" The raven-haired shouted at her inside her bedroom.

The Thai push her body up and walk half-heartedly towards her own room. She stops in front of Jisoo's door and knocks once.

"We still have 2 hours Jisoo, you're not some VIP guest there. You're presence's not important!" Lisa chuckles once she heard her friend throws something at the wall.

"Grumpy ass" Lisa whispered to herself. She went to her room and prepare herself. She doesn't want to be the subject of Jisoo's wrath.

Upon changing clothes she once again reminded about the brunette's image at the store. The brunette's holding an alcoholic drink while smiling at the camera. Lisa's movements falter, she really misses the brunette's warmth. Even if it's just a few encounters. She surely misses Ruby Jane's gummy smile.

She can only sigh at the thought of missing the feline.

The Thai went out of her room fully dressed up. She's wearing fitted tattered jeans paired with a white loose shirt inside a black leather jacket and a pair of black boots.

She's on the couch waiting for her slow-ass friend. When Jisoo's door swung open, the Thai was stunned for a moment.

"How do I look?" Jisoo shyly inquired.

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