Chapter 6

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Third Person's

Reviewing proposals, checking reports,  dealing with clients, and attending meetings here and there was the life of Lisa Manoban for 8 freaking long days. No breather. And Jisoo was beyond annoyed whenever they arrived at the apartment, the blonde would always whine over and over again with the same goddamn reason for 8 days.

"Fuck that old man! If he's not a potential client I would really kick his balls, his just wasting my time. He keeps on bragging about his wealth and the women he bedded instead of discussing the main purpose of the meeting! Like—do I give a shit about his fucking sex life or how rich he is?!". Lisa instantly rants to Jisoo once they made it inside their apartment. She then walks straight to the kitchen

"Here we go again."Jisoo mutter while rolling her eyes. She lazily drags her feet towards her bedroom and changes her clothes. On the other hand, the raging woman within the kitchen rummages the almost empty fridge.


Hearing her call, Jisoo swung her bedroom door wide open and sprint to her best friend, and almost trip on the process.  What's more to her bad luck, the side of her knee hit the corner of the coffee table "Argh! fuck—" She limps over the kitchen while holding the part which the coffee table hit her.

She furrowed her brows and worriedly bombarded the woman with her queries, "What is it, Lisa? What's wrong? Who died?"

Lisa turned around and pouted, "We're out of stock chu." with that Jisoo sends her daggers.

"I swear Lisa I'll kill you one of these days!" she stomps her way to the bedroom not minding the pain just about her knee. 

Lisa furrowed her brows forming a line in between, "What's wrong with her?" utterly muddled.

"Ah yeah, I should really pay the mart a visit," she nodded agreeing to herself. She walks out of the kitchen and saunters to her room. Once she's inside she abruptly strips her office suit and changes into her hoodie and sweats. She then grabs her wallet and phone along with the dangling earphone.

"Chu I'll be outside for a while, I'll buy you chicken when I get back! " She yelled before leaving the apartment.

While the sulking chicken maniac squeals and jump out of her bed " Really Lisa?" she yelled in excitement and run to open her bedroom door.

She peeps her head out of her room, craning her neck to find the blonde woman, "Lisa?" but the Thai made out already and nowhere to be found in the apartment confinement.

"If she comes back without my chicken I'll surely skin her alive!" she exclaimed and frustratedly disheveled her hair, walking right back to her room.


On the other side of the coin, after minutes of a good walk, Lisa arrived at the mart just a few blocks away from their apartment. She chose to walk instead of using her car to enjoy the music from her earbud and the breeze from the busy street of Auckland Central Business District. The people here seem to be working all day long.

Upon entering she was greeted by the woman in the cash registry that appears to be familiar with Lisa already.

"You're all by yourself today?" the woman stretches her neck to find something or rather someone. Lisa stop and remove her right earbud furrowing her brows. The woman smiles at her and repeats what she has said. Lisa pulled a timid grin upon her stash and nodded at the woman. She isn't rude, remember she's an introvert. She doesn't find it comfortable talking to the woman. She's a stranger after all.

Oh yeah? And yet you're a blabber to a certain gorgeous feline stranger. The little devil holding a fork-like thing in her shoulder puffs out and mock at her.

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