Chapter 19

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Jennie's POV

I was dumbfounded.

I did really make wrong decisions in life. Did I leave her for nothing? God!

The moment I saw her earlier, I put all the courage to stop the urge from throwing myself at her.

I was staring intently at my reflection in the mirror inside the bar washroom. That was so stupid of me. I did jump to a conclusion, I should have asked her about her relationship with Jisoo. But, then the stupid Jennie just run off believing in her own wrongful conviction.

I was startled by the sudden opening of the door when I look at the person behind it. It was her, Lisa.

"Lisa--" I said almost breathless.

She's leaning in the door frame looking at me with an unreadable expression. She's mad, I know for sure, I can't stand this. I have to get away. My legs are getting weak.

I fixed my things and put them in my purse and I was about to get past her but, she grabs my wrist and spun me around facing her.

"Running away again?" she said with a deep sad voice. Wait she's sad? Oh god! I inflected that to her.

She firmly gripped both of my arms and push me to lean my back on the ceramic sink.

"I'm... I'm sorry Li---" I was cut off when she leans forward and embrace me tightly. I can even feel her breath against my neck.

"Fuck! I miss you so much." She said while her body was trembling against mine, I never thought she would react this way. I thought it was just fleeting for her. 

I snake my arms in her waist and hug her.

I do miss her too, a lot. 

We stayed hugging each other for a good minute, then pulls away. Still holding my waist gently and looking into my eyes intensely. She pushes the strand of my hair at the back of my ears and smiles at me so tenderly.

"Lisa..--" She cut me off again, but this time it was her soft lips who smashed into mine who stop me from talking.

I was surprised at her bold move but, instead of protesting, my own body react. I snake and roam my hands at her back pulling her body even closer to me, I miss her warmth. I responded to her kiss, it was a slow passionate kiss. I close my eyes to savor the moment. She entangled her hands into my hair and deepen the kiss. I moan slightly at it. When our kiss started to get intense she pulls away and I ended up following her swollen lips I can't seem to get enough of it.

She just chuckles at me," I get it, you miss me."

I blush, embarrassed when I realized my bold action. She cups my face and caresses my blushing cheeks with her thumbs while pressing her own weight on mine.

"I'm sorry Lisa, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." I look up to her while holding onto her waist.

"I get the gist of it, I need your explanation but, now is not the time and right place for it." she chuckles and gestures to the washroom.

"But, really. I'm sorry I left."

"Yeah, I was kinda hurt, You didn't even leave a note." she dropped her hands into her side and look away.

"I'm sorry okay, I was scared I might ruin your relationship with Jisoo." I cupped her face to look at me.

"You really thought I would date the Chicken maniac?" She scoffs and rolls her eyes

I laugh a little at her silliness, "Why not? Jisoo's pretty."

"Psh! On what part?" She grabs my hands and pulls them away from her face and pressed her forehead against mine. My heart skip a beat at our close proximity. I'm still not used to it. But, I'm loving the feeling.

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