Chapter 31

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[Shishou: Apologies for the upcoming scene, ain't for kids]


Third Person's POV

One miscalculated move and all of their sacrifices, body pains, sleepless nights, and efforts will be meaningless. The Black Velvet is in a tight spot, they are standing at the edge of the cliff, one mistake, and all of them will fall down into the pit of darkness. It would be the end of their career.

In a span of 8 days, everything is in a total mess. Lisa and Jennie never saw each other ever since Jennie conveyed every minute of the meeting with the other party; Ji-Yong, where Jennie would pretend on dating the guy a few years older than her.

It's the same for Nayeon and Jeongyeon, as what the Ceo ordered the two are laying low. All thanks to advanced technology they can still communicate.

"How's Jennie, Roseanne?"

"She's physically fine, but I can't vouch If it's the same emotionally Lis."

"I bet she's crying all the time. It's her who's really affected by all of this shit. Poor Jennie" Jisoo muttered, gazing at her downcast friend.

"I sometimes heard her crying inside her room. And, it's... it's heartbreaking. She's being watched, monitored. And it's unfair for her." the corner of Rosé's eyes is glistening with tears. She's biting her lips, stopping herself from bawling.

Seeing her girl in her emotional state, Jisoo quickly pulled the woman into her arms, whispering sweet things just to calm the pink-haired.

The blonde diverted her eyes at the apartment window pane, the skies are mourning, pouring their pain to the entirety of Seoul. Seems like the skies are sending her sympathy, it's crying for her.

Lisa smile bitterly.

The feeling is unpleasant, although she and Jennie are always making time to call, video call, and exchange messages. It isn't enough, she wanted to be with the woman's side, to support her, comfort her. To wipe all the tears that smearing from her beautiful dumpling cheeks.


Days turn weeks, weeks turn months. It's been 3 months exactly since Jennie and Ji-Yongs' dating rumor has spread out like a plague. Nothing change between Jennie and Lisa's relationship though. They stay connected, strong as ever. Considering that Jennie was being eyed, it was Lisa who always made an effort to see her. They can't be seen in public, that will surely stir every gossiping site. A scandal that will totally lead to the group's downfall.

"Baby? What's on your mind?"

"Mmmmm, how handsome I am?" she cockily said, raising her brows matching with her sexy smirk.

The brunette rolls her eyes in pretend irritation, but giggles right after"Great, you're starting to sound like your best friend." 

Lisa softly chuckles, "I was just kidding."

"In all seriousness, what is it, baby?" Jennie glances up at her, eyes filled with curiosity.

The two are sprawling naked on Jennie's bed, they just had finished an all-out war in the bed, whereas Jennie's grunts and sexy moans reverberated across the room.

"Does this Ji-Yong guy is a nice person?" she bluntly asks out of the blue.

The feline perks her brow, she's caught off guard. She didn't expect the sudden question to throw at her.

"All of a sudden?"

Lisa shrugs her shoulder, "Just curious, but if you don't feel like telling me. It's fine."

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