Chapter 26

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Third Person's POV

"Chu how to use this thing?!"

 Lisa stirred from her bed, hearing the ruckus outside her bedroom. It was still early in the morning and yet the screaming from outside is relentlessly making her soul ripped out from her body. The yells keep on ringing in her ear.

She fully roused from her sleep from the loud screeching of the chair. She groans, ready to throw her wrath at whoever it is. She sprung from the bed and walks hastily to the kitchen. 

There, she was welcomed by a horrendous sight. Food wrappers were scattered everywhere, bowls clumsily place on the sink, and flours sprinkled on the countertop. 

When the people from the table catch a glimpse of her, they greeted her weakly. Massaging their head for they had a massive headache from their drinking spree last night. Lisa just nodded, strides,  aiming for the fridge. She went a quick look at the messy countertop, crinkling her nose in annoyance.

"The world will come to an end if we all live together." She spat, glaring at her friends.

Jeongyeon leaned and press her cheeks on the cold glass table, disregarding the blonde's statement, "Argh! Why must it be Monday today! Screw Monday's!" she horridly said.

"Can we skip work today Lis?" Jisoo begged.


Seulgi sip on her mug, "Good for me, I don't have work."

"Perks of being a bar owner!" the lawyer wailed.

The Thai place herself on the counter stool after she made her own chocolate drink. Sipping it, enjoying the sweet chocolate taste. She bobs her head up when she takes notice of the pink-haired woman, eating unidentified food on her plate which looks like a pancake, by the way, sitting beside the disheveled Jisoo.

"Roseanne, you don't have practice, photoshoots, rehearsals, or anything today? I can drive you there." She offered.

The eating girl halt and look up at her, shaking her head eagerly, "Ah, no, no. Thank you for the offer but I already mes---


They all snap at the main door excluding Jeongyeon who's still leaning her cheeks against the table. 

"Thaaatt.... Must be my ride, I'll just go get it" Rosé mutters.

With furrowed brows Jisoo gape at her, "What ride?" 

"Oh, don't worry chu, the person is harmless." She re-assured, patted the chicken's cheek, and swiftly head towards the door.

"Oh hoh! Someone's acting like a jealous girlfriend already!" Seulgi tease.

"Shut it!"

The Lawyer perk up, when the topic piqued her interest, "So, what's the score between you two, or did you score from last night already?"

"Oi! Who do you think I am? I am Jisoo the gentlewoman." she puffs out her non-existent breast proudly while putting her hands on her hips.

Lisa sniggered, "Quite funny! Might win an Oscar chu!" 

Seulgi's slapping the table vigorously, "I bet she's having a hard time dealing with her hormones!" 

The three burst into laughter, while Jisoo sulked, pursing her lips. But, seeing how her friends laugh heartily she joins after. 

"Can I join in the fun?"

They all halt, their laughter slowly subsides, and whip their head in sync towards the owner of the voice. Lisa froze. Her friends glance at her worriedly.

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