Chapter 10

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Lisa's POV

After an hour and I don't know how many minutes drive, I and Martha arrived at our destination. Yeah, I brought Martha with me. She's responsible and committed to her job so, why not?

Indeed it's a long drive. As soon as I step my feet upon the white granules of sand of the West Coastal beach of Auckland I deliberately inhaled the sea breeze. Vast blue sparkling water extended across the horizon. There were heaps of people on the beach enjoying their sun-drenched vacation basking over the scorching sun. 

A tall curly beautiful blonde middle-aged woman welcomed us at the lobby of the resort. "Welcome to Glorious Resort, I'm Glory the proprietor. You must be Lisa right?"

I extended my hand for a shake, "Yes madame." I affirm with a nod, "I'm Lalisa Manoban from the Web Designing Department of Web Design Solution and this is my secretary Martha. It's a pleasure to do business with you, madame." I motion Martha, and she drops a curtsy. I showed her my signature business smile. She accepted my hand and return it with a rather blinding bright smile. 

"I'm really glad you accepted my demanding request." she chuckles whilst I'm in awe. Despite the age, the woman is really beautiful.

 "Anytime madame,"  I give her a smile, a charming one? Yeah if I actually had one.

"I'll show you to your room first. But, my apologies were kind of fully booked as of the moment. Even so, no worries we prepare a room for two with separate beds, of course." she begins walking at a slow pace while I trail her from behind along with Martha beside me. 

She draws close in front of a door and took a pivot upon her heels to face us, "I'm deeply sorry about this It's a failure on our part considering that I invited you." she smiles apologetically.

"No, no, It's—more than fine, really. You don't have to worry about it." I waved my hand and threw the sincerest smile on my stash, with good grace she reflect the gesture. That's a breath of relief. The least I worry about is inflicting guilt upon her. 

"Oh, well, this is your room—I'll let you rest first and settle your things. After that, we can talk about business. I'll be at the gazebo at the far left corner of the resort, tap me anytime your ready." I nodded and followed her retreating features.

Martha opens the door and slides inside. Not bad, at least we have split up beds. I'm fine sharing a room with Martha since she likely works professionally. One of the reasons I give her a shot and hired her. That's what I like about her, she detached personal satisfaction to work. 

I put my duffle bag on top of the dresser along with the laptop bag. And, straight up flop my body against the bed, staring at the ceiling. I can see Martha in my peripheral view gazing my way for a moment she, however, shakes her head and go on fixing her things. 

"What is it, Martha?" I prompted, coaxing her while shutting my eyes close. I can sense her falter from moving. I bet she's looking my way.

"Nothing boss, It's just that I have never seen you so relaxed before. What's more laying on the bed. Surely, Josephine would kill me if she knows we are sort of sharing a room." as though she recovered from the daze, she continue stacking her stuff.

"Who's Josephine?" I lazily asked. 

"Oh, the girl from Financial Department, who's willing to die for you." I was shocked at the sarcastic tone of Martha leading to my inevitable laughter, the strident cackles reverberated across the room. I sat up, clutching my stomach. Once I turn to look at her, her eyes almost went out of her socket with her mouth agape, and never forget the red shade flashing her face.

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