Chapter 35 Part 1

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Jennie's POV

"How's Lisa, Jennie?"

I slowly put the teacup above the table, the question surely prick my heart. I haven't seen her for days, we didn't even talk after our first fight. Not a single ring nor message from her. Seems like she doesn't care about me anymore.

God, I miss my baby so much

I fake a smile before responding to Irene eonnie, "She's good... I think?"

"You ain't sure? You two still not on good terms?"

I drag a sigh, "I haven't heard anything from her since."

"Why not barge into her apartment?" Nayeon interjects.

"Wouldn't I get a scolding from the Ceo if will do that?"

"It's supposed to be a two-way relationship Jennie, don't expect Lisa to do all the effort for the both of you. " Nayeon scolded.

Irene eonnie scoffs, "Come on, we'll back you up to meet and talk to your woman, instead of relentlessly wailing your misery here."

"Fix it Jennie, before it's too late," Nayeon added.

I flash a smile showcasing my gums at the two, I really am thankful to have them.

"Now go! We'll keep manager eonnie busy."

"Give it a go, Jennie, best of lucks!"

"Thank you, I'll be back before dinner."

I sneak around the apartment, avoiding getting caught by manager eonnie eyes. Yeah, she's also staying here, she's the Ceo's eyes. I can't get out without her or if Ji-Yong Oppa isn't with me. The Ceo actually knew about my relationship with Lisa as to why he became more strict with me. He has eyes everywhere. The fucking eyes.

I hurriedly slipped out of the apartment, making my way to my own car. I fumble the car keys, my hands are trembling. I'm fucking nervous for some reason. Getting in, I inserted the car keys and maneuver the car out of the parking lot, driving to the road of Hongdae with a certain destination in my mind; Lisa's Apartment.

I'm already in front of their apartment door, but I can't find the courage to knock or press the bell. I'm goddamn nervous. 

What if she doesn't want to talk to me?

What if she doesn't want me anymore?

What if ... Arrgh! Screw this!

I inhale deeply before hitting the bell, I waited for a few minutes. I started to hear faint footsteps behind the door, it slowly opened revealing a haggard Rosie.

"Eonnie?" Her voice croaked like she just finished bawling hard.

"What's goin' on?" I walk past her, making my way to the living room.

"Eonnie" she started crying again, her voice was so broken.

I was stupefied seeing a suitcase laid on the floor, Jisoo's leaving? So, that must be the reason why the chipmunk is relentlessly crying.

Wait what about Lisa?

"Where's Lisa? Is she coming with Jisoo?"

I crease my forehead when Rosie cried even harder instead of responding to my question. I hastily walk to Lisa's room, twisting the knob I pushed the door open. My shoulder drops at the sight of her room, I cover my agape mouth with my trembling hands. The tears fell non-stop on my eyes, along with the stabbing pain in my heart. I crouch on the floor, clenching my hands against my chest patting it repeatedly.

This is all my fault

"She's not here anymore."

I turn around hearing a foreign tone coming from behind. It was Jisoo staring at me coldly, her voice is trembling like she's restraining her rage to lash at me. Yet, I can feel the pure contempt coming from her.

"Jisoo... "

"Jisoo, I wanna see her, talk to her, wh-where is she??" I manage to say between sobs.

She shakes her head in disapproval, "Know your priority first Jennie."

I was flabbergasted hearing it coming from her, she's right. I was selfish. I took her for granted. I took advantage of her kindness. Thinking she would always understand.

"She's deeply wounded Jennie, her father died."

I was stabbed repeatedly straight to my heart, I held my breath hearing the news. Oh, God! My baby, Lili. I'm sorry I wasn't by your side.

She's enduring the pain right now all by herself, yet here I am thinking only about my career, my fucking situation.

"You can come to Thailand if you want, but I would advise." she paused waggles her head, " No, I'm warning you to stop inflicting pain to her Jennie. She had enough, she doesn't deserve any of this!" I can see how enraged she is. Her eyes show everything.

"Chuu" Rosie walks in, hugging Jisoo from behind. Pacifying the furious woman.

She shake head furiously, "No, Babe. I just had to open her eyes, I think she doesn't notice how much in pain Lisa is!" she paused and face me, "Now, tell me Jennie, have you ever heard her complain about everything!? You're being unfair! Canceling your dates with her just to fucking hang out with the fucking guy for what!? For publicity!? For damn pretend relationship?! Do you think she didn't know? How do you lie to her?! She never complained, she never gets mad at you! Lisa fucking loves you so much even if it hurts her already!" Jisoo sobs after venting her anger.

I cried helplessly on the floor, she was right. All of it was right. I was too focused on myself. Not realizing she was hurting already.

"I'll come to her. I'll stay by her side this time." I breathe out after I calm a bit.

Rosie glance at me worriedly, "Eonnie..."

"I don't care anymore, Rosie. She's all that I want. Screw dispatch! Screw this industry!" I stated, all too determined about my decision.

Jisoo slowly walks out of the room but before she totally gets out she look my way, "Think twice, don't jump off hastily. Don't make decisions you might regret."

"It's now or never chu..." I look directly into her eyes, conveying my determination.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow, you can come along with me."

I nodded at her, pulling out my phone on my bag. I quickly book a flight matching Jisoo's departure time.

Wait for me, baby. 

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