Chapter 12

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I woke up with a massive ache all over my body and the throbbing of my head. Fuck! I swear to all the Gods I won't drink again. 

Only if no one would invite me, that is. 

I flutter my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light sipping from the window. I close my eyes again, feeling comfortable from the body pressed against mine while holding me ever so dearly, I snuggle even closer. Wait.

Hold on a second, a body?

I shut my eyes wide open and is immediately presented a naked blonde covered by a white duvet on my hotel bed. Holding my waist like her life depends on it. I instantly softened seeing her calm sleeping state. She looks so precious. The longer I stare at her, the longer I was being pulled, a smile took place on my lips.

Howbeit, I frown almost instantly when I recalled the event from last night. I can feel the heat creeping on my cheeks. God! I'm too out of it last night. To think it was my first, she was my first. I sat up straight and covered my blushing cheeks.

God Jennie! How could you give your first to Lisa? To someone you just met a few times. Someone you barely even know. Great. I was being scolded by my own conscience. 

I drag a sigh.

Everything just felt right. She felt right. I smile looking at the sleeping blonde once more, pushing the strand of hair concealing her beautiful face. I leaned forward to give her a peck—

Ding! Ding!

I jolt at the sudden sound coming from the phone beside Lisa's pillow. Oh, her phone. I look at it and there. I feel like a bucket of cold water splashes over me. I froze, my brain seized up. My heart dropped and time seemed to stop. That plunging feeling went on and on and on.  An immense feeling showered my entire being.


11 missed calls from contact Chichu

Message Alert:

Chichu: The hell Lalisa Manoban! I'm fucking worried! Pick up the God damn fucking phone!!

I drop the phone in my hands as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

I forgot she has a girlfriend. A girlfriend Jennie!!!

Goddamn it Jennie! You fucking had sex with a committed person!

I was stupefied and can't move. What have I done? 

I get out from the bed, sliding my body on the wall pulling my knees against my chest, I cried in silence not wanting to wake up the sleeping blonde. My body's quivering. 

I don't want to ruin someone's relationship. I need to get out of here. I can't be a relationship wrecker. I can't ruin someone's happiness. That's the last thing I ever wanted to happen.

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