Chapter 29 Part 1

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Third Person's POV

A month prior to Jennie's upcoming birthday. A certain blonde works her ass up in preparation for her woman's day. She went to some lengths to make the love of her life very much special in her day.

Everything is all settled, she's just waiting for the day to come. They already fill in their circle of friends including Jennie's mom whom they inform through skype about their official status. It was a chaotic day considering Jisoo and Seulgi's cheering ever so loudly together with the girls squealing on the top of their lungs, of course, excluding the conservative Irene.

3 nights before Jennie's day.

"Baby? Are you sleeping already?" The brunette sweetly asks, when she emerge from the bathroom, fully change on her nighties soothing her hair using her fingers. She set her feet on Lisa's side of the bed and glances down at the laying blonde. 

You must be all confused as to how Jennie ended up in Lisa's apartment. Well, she sometimes crashes in the blonde's flat or vice versa, making up for their busy schedules. 

"Just resting my eyes."

"Hmm, don't you wanna lay your eyes on me instead?" she seductively asks, dipping from the soft mattress beside the blonde.

With that, Lisa shut her eyes wide open abruptly. She pushed her body up propping her elbows and fixing her eyes on her woman, who's clearly tryna seduce her. The brunette was bending down on the bed, propping her both hands on the mattress supporting her body, while dipping her one knee on the bed, another one still on the carpeted floor. Jennie's wetting her parted lips, breathing raggedly. She's eyeing the blonde hungrily with hooded eyes like Lisa is her very own prey. The blonde lingers her eyes on the brunette's cleavage which laying out beautifully under those nighties, that absolutely switch her on.

The blonde swallowed hard, all her exhaustion was gone. Her body's trembling in anticipation. Jennie did not prolong her girlfriend's agony, she charge towards the blonde, sitting on top of her and grinding a little. 

Their hot night went on, with sweating hot naked bodies entangled under the quilt. Whispering I love you are every now and then.


"Hmmm" she responded lazily with closed eyes, still snuggling on her girlfriend's neck.

"Um, uh--" 

"Spill it, baby, no need to be anxious." she glances up at the blonde, stroking her thumbs to Lisa's flushed cheeks. 

"I wanted to give you something." 

The feline bob her head, encouraging her girlfriend. Lisa move up a bit, propping her elbow and rummaging the bedside drawer, laying her present on Jennie's lap. 

The brunette grasps the white envelope in her hands, eyeing it with pure curiosity. She sat up straight, covering her nakedness with the soft quilt. 

The blonde chuckles, "You wouldn't see what's inside if you don't open it." 

Jennie rolls her eyes, yet, smiles afterward."Don't get cocky on me, Li" 

Lisa just laugh at her girlfriend, not minding the cute pout on the brunette's face. She opens the envelope in suspense. When she had a clear view of what's inside, she squeals loudly more like screaming. She bounces towards Lisa, hugging her gleefully. While the latter can't stop from smiling ear to ear, seeing her woman's reaction.

"Oh God!" she happily exclaimed, pulling away from the blonde.

"Do you like it?" 

"No, I don't." she deadpanned

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