Chapter 34

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Jisoo's POV

It's raining cats and dogs outside, raindrops pelted on the roof of the cab. I gaze at the heavy skies like it was mourning for something or someone. It's somewhat like a bad omen, yeah I do believe in omens. 

The ahjussi drop me in the basement parking area instead of in front of the building, considering the hard pouring of the rain. A considerate driver he is. 

I walk to the dead-air hallway of I and Limario's apartment floor after I got out from the lift, rubbing my arms seeking some warmth. 

"God, it's bloody freezing outside," I mumbled. 

When I make it in front of the door, I punch the code and went inside the unlit room. I lurch straight away to my room. Feeling a great need for a warm shower. 

I was about to twist the knob when I heard faint sobs inside of the room beside mine. My heart started to pound hard against my chest. I'm catching my breath, thinking about the possibilities behind the door. Please let my guess be wrong. 

With a shaky hand, I twisted the knob on Lisa's door. I slowly push the door but it was stuck like something is blocking it. I can't get in, it's making me more nervous seeing how dark her room is. I can hear sobs somewhere across the room. I peek into the tiny space between the door frame and door. I didn't see anything, goosebumps starting to engulf all over my body.

It's making me anxious, so I forcefully push the door. Getting in I flip the switch, just to witness the horrible sight before my eyes. 

I can't recognize anymore her once neatly organized room. Broken shards of glass everywhere, pillows and quilt laying on the floor. And, the broken chair which was blocking the door, her room is in a total mess, everything turns upside down.

I run over to her, she's leaning on the wall, hugging her bended knees while hiding her face on it. I hurriedly engulf her into a comforting embrace, soothing her back over and over. 

She pulled her face away from her knees and glance up at me with her swelling eyes that mirrored pain, uncertainty, and fear. My heart clenched tightly, it sank on the deepest pit. My own knees are all weakened. 

Bloody twat!

"Chu... " she instantly jumps onto me, hugging me tightly and clutching her hands behind my back. She uncontrollably cried against my chest. 

I never uttered a word, I just let her feel that I won't leave her, that I am here for her no matter what. I run my fingers into her locks repeatedly. 

"Why does it hurt so much chu." 

"Let it all out, Lis. Cry if you felt like crying, be mad if you needed to be. Don't keep it to yourself."

 "Why does everything is not on my side... Why am I being punished like this? The world forsakes me chu. " she utters in despair, voices are croaked and raspy. 

I blink away the forming tears in the corner of my eyes. Oh, God. Please, relinquish my best friend's suffering. You can give to me, I'll shoulder her karma, her pain.

Lisa keep on crying, writhing in agony on the floor. I clenched my fist hard, trembling in suppressed rage. 

Later, when Lisa calm down a bit. She told me everything, the despair in her eyes is domineering. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. I needed to be strong for her. When I notice she's yawning, tiredly closing her eyes. I support her to stand up and usher her to my room. She can't sleep in this disoriented room, she might end up getting hurt. Well, technically speaking she already is. 

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