Chapter 5

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It was all dark, where am I?

I am walking to an endless pitch-black alley.

I keep on walking, not until I saw a familiar figure staring at me in the alley with a lamp post just above his head bringing light to his face.

He looks at me with his bloodshot eyes. And he slowly disappears back into the dark alleyway.

Noooooo! Nooooooo come backkkk. Pleasee!



"Noooooo! " I shut my eyes wide open and sat up into the bed while catching my breath. Right on time, Jisoo barged into my room with a towel wrapped around her body and a toothbrush on her mouth. Ew.

"Hey! Lis breath okay? Everything's alright." she sat beside me in the bed and rubbed my back soothingly, casting her at me eyes filled with worries.

I look at her, pulling a smile weakly. "Same nightmares again Lis?" I just nod in response.

"Have you been taking your pills? Or why don't you go see the doctor I'll come with you. Wait–I'll call my secretary to cancel all my sched—" I cut her off by grabbing her wrist, she looks at me with furrowed brows.

"No Jisoo, really, I'm fine." I smile at her genuinely, grateful for her concern.

"But Lis—" I hindered her from talking again by shaking my head. 

"I'm more than fine Jisoo," I said firmly. She nodded however the frown never left her face. She slowly slides out from the bed and stands right at the edge of it. I scan her and I realize how horrible she looks. Her hair is entangled, the toothpaste is visible from the corner of her mouth, she stands at the edge of my bed holding a toothbrush with only a tiny towel covering the parts of her body that needs to be covered. She must figure out that I'm eyeing her with disgust.

I give her a teasing smirk still scanning her, "You should worry about yourself more Chu!" 

"Yah! You ungrateful Kid! I came running because I'm worried about you. I thought some burglar attacked your ugly ass!" she moves rather exaggeratedly to slap my arm and with that, a much more horrible sight awaits for me.

The towel that covers Jisoo's body falls upon the floor inevitably.

"Argghhhhhhhhhh" both of us scream at the top of our lungs.

And right away she covers my eyes, slaps my eyes with her hands rather. 

"That hurts! What the fuck is wrong with you chu!?" I yelled my irritation. I can even see little shiny stars from that slap. 

"Shut up! Stay still monkey!" She must be fixing the towel to wrap her body. A couple of seconds passed she removes her hand that made me flutter my eyes adjusting to the light.

She folded her arms across her chest, stomping her bare foot against the wooden floor whilst raising her brows.

"What?" I asked more like taunting than a query while sliding off of the bed. She eyed me intently.

"Fuck Limario, you shouted rather loudly than me!" Jisoo yelled, pointing her accusatory finger at me.

I schooled a horrified expression over my face, supplying my act, "Because it was the scariest thing I have ever seen chu. I haven't seen anything at all—Like there's nothing much to see, and that's the scariest. " I rake my eyes at her body and lingering a little longer at her bumpers, I laugh hard afterward. She caught on to it and sniggered.

"Really—coming from you monkey? Coming from a flat-chested like you?" she shoves me playfully by the arms. I then proceed to rummage my closet to get a pair to wear.

"Well, I'm fine with it. Unlike you who seem to have a hard time accepting the fact. That. You. Are. Not. Gifted." a mocking smirk crossed my face, which made her push me forcefully landing onto the bed. I laugh hard at her even more, slinging the towel over my shoulder. 

She walks out of my bedroom, stomping her feet like a child "Fuck you Limario!"

Shaking my head, "Maybe later!" I shouted.

"Ew! Top don't do top Lis!" and she slams her door a bit loudly that could even be heard on the top floor of the apartment building.


I'm all set and ready to go while waiting for Jisoo to finish preparing herself. While me in the kitchen enjoying my hot chocolate drink with my favorite croissant.

This is our daily routine, Jisoo would wake up first and prepare herself ahead of me, while yours truly still sprawling on the bed but end up waiting for her slow ass. I'm always dropping and fetching her off from her work. Some people thought we're a thing. Hell no! Like never in a million years—don't get me wrong. Jisoo is gorgeous, really. Just don't let her open her mouth and speak then she's all good. In addition, you heard her about being a TOP thing, right?  And more importantly, we're like sisters more like brothers actually.

"Limario—I'm getting late! Move your ass!" she shouts at the main door, I almost just rolled my eyes at the back of my socket. I rose, putting my unfinished hot choco in the dishwasher. That horseshit! My feet are really itching to kick someone, an annoying woman—Jisoo.

I sprint in her direction before she could whine again. "Move faster Lis!" I pause and stared at her in disbelief. After I secured the apartment door we walk to the lift, more like sprinting.

"Really Jisoo? I've waited for your slow ass for more than an hour! Considering the fact that you already took shower before you barged into my room!" I gritted my teeth and huff out in annoyance. She glances at me and slowly tugs a sheepish grin. Uh oh. I think I already figured it out

"Don't tell me you played games over that damn console again?!" The veins in my neck are visible from all the shouting. 


She sends me smiles, an innocent one. She's really sapping every bit of my patience."Oh—let's get in Lis."

Bloody twat!

"I swear I'll chop that damn thing into pieces," I manage to say between gritted teeth.


"Now get your ass out chu." I snap at her as soon as we arrived in front of the company she's working at. She's a Marketing Department's Director, can you believe that? The inept person Jisoo has quite a decent job. People from her company actually look up to her, as they say, she's bestowed beauty and intellect which I highly object to with all of the fiber in my body. 

"Thank you for the ride ahjussi!" before I could kick her ass, she yank the door open and hopped out. She walks away but then halts, turning around sending me a wink, and a flying kiss. Upon witnessing my glare she burst into ungraceful laughter. I waggle my head and maneuver my car all the way to the office.

"I guess It's time to grind some bones."

Certainly, this will be another long day with papers and pen, not to mention the head-spinning computers. Good luck with RF radiation.   

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