Chapter 20

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Jennie's POV

Indeed, I didn't get enough sleep, I barely slept for 4 hours. Not because of Lisa's continuously running on my mind. Well, yeah, partly, but the main reason is; the girls keep on bugging me to fill them about me and Lisa.

I don't really have much of a choice but to stay up all night with the girls. So, they would stop making a fussed about it.

I told them about my venture in Auckland, but of course, I skipped the sensual part. It would be embarrassing.

I didn't foresee that I would see her again, moreover for her to forgive me easily. She's really a rational person. Unlike me, well, I did run away from her, with tails between my legs.


Who could it be in these ungodly hours?

It's still 5 in the morning. Urgh!

Message Alert:

Unknown Number: xxxxx: Good morning Wifey 

I blink away my drowsiness and re-read the message. No one ever called me with that endearment except for one; Lisa. Now that I think about it, we never exchange contacts. Then, how?

Without delay, I save her contact. I sat up in my bed and inclined my back at the headboard.

Lalisa M.: I got your number from Seulgi.

Me : Morning Lis!  Without a doubt, you're really are a mind reader.

Lalisa M.: I just figured you might freak out, thinking I'm a stalker

Me: Right! You're proving yourself more and more. I got myself a beautiful stalker

I'm not really a fan of texting, but I might reconsider. I feel giddy with just our simple exchange of messages.

Lalisa M.: Oh, so now you admit that I'm beautiful?

I can picture out that she's smirking while looking at her phone right now.

Me : You wish! Anyways, why so early?

Lalisa M.: First day of work together with Chu.

Lalisa M.: Gotta go! Wish me luck wifey! Don't forget to grab your breakfast

Me: Good luck Lis! Fighting!

A grin slowly crept on my lips while still holding my phone and re-reading her last message for the nth time. Ah, this is nice.

I jumped out of the bed and unlatch the window. The vibrant morning sun's rays greeted my entire being. With a bright smile on my face, I welcomed the new day ahead.

I hopped and hummed my way to the kitchen after I prep myself. The girls looking at me like I've grown another pair of eyes or somethin'. But, I didn't care. I'm having the best morning of my life.

Our older sister rummage the fridge, "Someone's in a good mood today!" she gives me a teasing smile.

I just give her a tight lip smile, albeit being bashful.

"Yass! I'll give the person my share of food for making our Jennie happy." The chipmunk hugs me sideways.

"Indeed! Yes, she's a God's sent, thanks to her. We'll never gonna see a grumpy mandu from today's onward!" the bunny giggled.

"Yah! Quit calling me mandu!" I glower at her.

She just give me an unbothered look while eating the food on her plate.


Third Person's POV

Later that morning, in Korea's Company Branch Lisa and Jisoo are greeted by the warmed welcome of their new colleagues at their new workplace.

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