Chapter 30

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Third Person's POV

After the couple got back from Auckland, Jennie was immediately informed by their manager that the company CEO called for a meeting. She straight away went to their company building with Lisa dropping her off.

"What is the sudden call for?" Jennie inquired after her butt landed on the couch.

They are agitatedly waiting at the CEO's huge office room, located on the top-most floor of the building.

"No idea Jenduekie" Irene simply responded, shaking her head.

"Manager eonnie?"

"I, um... Let's just wait for the CEO."

"I guess it's for our upcoming promotion," Nayeon conjectures.

Spot on time, the office door opens revealing a man in his late forties wearing a newsboy cap. The girls including the manager stood up and bows at the man. He went straight to his chair, flumps on it clasping his hands above the table.

He inspects each of the girls before he starts, "I won't beat around the bush." he narrowed his eyes at one specific girl. " Nayeon, why don't you tell me about your long-time relationship with Attorney Yoo."

The girls choke, turning their heads to the woman in question. Nayeon's eyes bulge out along with the involuntary opening of her mouth. Rosè bit the tip of her nail. They were nervous about where the conversation might lead to. 

"Sa-sajangnim, I, uh" she started to tear up with trembling hands.

Certainly, they are not prohibited from dating. Even so, Nayeon's case is different. She's dating a woman which likely to be sore in the eyes of those close-minded people. People who were stuck from and still leaving in the Before Christ era (BC), couldn't accept the fact that it's the 21st century already.

[Shishou: If you can't accept, then RESPECT someone's sexuality, for he/she is still a human]

The man interjects by raising his hand to stop Nayeon from talking.

He shakes his head in disappointment, "You were spotted together with this woman." he opens his drawer and sets the proof above the table.

The oldest clenched her jaw seeing the intimate photo before their eyes, she was worried for her co-member slash friend.

They all went voiceless, glued on their sits, and breathing heavily.

"Do you all know where did I get a hand of this?"

"Dispatch" Jennie responded, keeping her rage in check.

"Correct, Dispatch. Do you happen to know how crucial the situation is? You're halfway through promoting your newly release songs. Everything will shatter into pieces if this photo would leak. This might lead to your career's downfall." He sternly said.

"What do you want me to do Sajangnim?" Nayeon asks with tears stain cheeks. She's hoping to clean up her mess. "I'll do whatever it is," she added. 

"Lie low, I won't ask you to break up with her. The dispatch swears that they won't leak your photo to every media site in exchange of,--" he paused, and slowly focus his sight on Jennie, he then continue, "dispatch getting proofs of Jennie and Ji-Yong's scripted date. However, the company won't confirm or deny the issue, so as you Jennie."

Jennie intake sharply and release a long deep breath. She's trying to even her breathing, clamping her hands above her chest. She wanted to protest yet, ended up tongue-tied.

"Eonnie?" Rosé soothes her, worry is present in her eyes.

"Sajangnim, don't do this to Jennie. I'll do whatever you want, what dispatch wants. Please, not Jennie she has nothing to do with this." Nayeon persuaded the man with quivering lips.

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