Chapter 9

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Third Person's 

The ride all the way to work was absolutely stressful for Lisa's part. Since Jisoo is persistent about something interesting happening to Lisa. She keeps on finding a way for Lisa to spill something. And the poor blonde was having a hard time dealing with the tenacious chicken maniac. She did her best to stay ignorant of the topic. 

"I'll find it somehow." Jisoo's remark before she hopped out of the car.

"Well—good luck with that chu!" she winks while Jisoo just makes face and heads inside the company. Lisa maneuvers her car to her work. 

Walking to the busy lobby of the company smiling from time to time whenever her colleagues greeted her. This time she was on her casual since she doesn't have any meet up with clients. She's sporting a white long sleeve blouse paired with black fitted jeans and a pair of stiletto's while carrying her laptop bag in her hand. She has trodden inside the lift with some of the employees from different departments.

"Good mornin' Ms. Manoban." It was Josephine from Financial Department, the girl almost tear her face from smiling ear to ear. 

Obviously, Lisa is kind of well-known to both men and women in the company. Aside from her gorgeous aspect, she is commended for her exemplary work ethic and her bright mind. Every client that Lisa handles leaves outstanding comments about her work once it's done. She's an excellent employee which leads to her current position in the company. Lisa is the youngest Department head in one of the most promising Web developers Companies at present. Web Design Solution is the only company that assembles a Web Designing Department which has a selective promising developer, in other companies Web design is either marketing Departments function or I.T Department function. 

At the age of 24, she handles the whole department. No one argues with that nor questions the promotion. They knew she deserved the position.

Lisa just smile timidly at Josephine as a response. She doesn't want to be rude. She doesn't even know the girl's name. Sure, she had seen her a few times but never talk to her. 

Girls like Josephine find it appealing how stoic and introverted Lisa is. As they say, introverts are hot. 

Lisa handles the Web Designing Department, which the whole Web Developing takes place. You can say it's the heart of the company. Computer geniuses are gathered in that certain department. The Web Designing Department is composed of two teams; The I.T Team, who do the code and database for the website to function, their goal is to develop a corporate intranet site for clients business site, and the Web Design Team who's solely in charge of the design or the appearance of the Website. 

Once the lift stops at her department's floor. Lisa hurriedly walks out of the lift and push the glass door which leads to her team. They stop what they're doing and peek their head at the terminal. Upon recognizing it was their boss they greeted her in chorus. She just drops a nod in response and strides to her office. 

As soon as she's settled on her comfy swivel chair her secretary comes in holding a folder tightly to her chest. 

"Boss, these are the new web design proposal for our Paris client." Martha, her secretary place the folder on the table.

"You can go now, I'll call you if anything." she started flipping the page, while Martha bowed and excuse herself.

While checking the proposed web design, Lisa furrowed her brows creating lines in between. She rose up almost knocking the chair off in the process and flung out of her office with the folder in her hands. Her team is brought to a momentary halt—some were gulping the growing on their throat—some fidgets on their seats. 

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