The Stoll Brothers

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Percy's POV

I stretched as I stepped out of the train, and into the soft, green grass that covered Camp Half-Blood. I grinned. This was my home. It was great to be back. 

Almost at once, the Stoll Brothers, Travis and Connor, appeared right in front of us, bent down a bit,  and started examining Liam. 

"Travis, Connor," said Annabeth, slightly annoyed. "What are you doing?"

Connor waved her off, standing upright again. "Nothing, this kid just looks like Nico."

I tried to make the connection between them. Light sandy blonde hair and dark jet-black hair, that couldn't be it...

Suddenly, a dozen screams could be heard, specifically in the direction of the Aphrodite cabin. Annabeth grabbed her knife. Harry, Ron, and Hermione instinctively reached for their wands, and the rest of us demigods, our swords and other weapons.

"Travis, what's happening?" I stared at the still-smiling son of Hermes.

"Don't worry, it's just a prank we played on the Aphrodite kids as a form of revenge." 

Leo grinned. Now pranks were something he could understand. "What did you do?" 

Yep, in the world of jokes and pranks, they were best friends. 

Connor laughed. "I can't believe they fell for it. It wasn't even that-"

"CONNOR AND TRAVIS STOLL!" Drew came screaming, running towards us. There was something wrong with her appearance, as her usually silky black hair was now covered completely in chocolate, her clothes covered with a green goo that I didn't want to know, and every single part of her body was covered in white, long, feathers.

She was closely followed by the other angry Aphrodite kids. However, Lucy and another boy, both covered with chocolate, green goo, and feathers, were laughing, not minding their appearances. 

"We didn't do anything." Travis and Connor both shrugged identically. 

Drew narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm going to go clean myself up. I can't let the wi-" She seemed to notice us just now. "O-oh. H-hi!" She waved then ran off.

The rest of her siblings followed her. Fred and George, the two identical twins, rushed towards Travis and Connor. 

"You guys did that?" Fred asked, a grin on his face. 

The other pair of twins nodded, pride evident on their faces. 

"Brilliant." George said. 

The four of them started talking wildly with each other about jokes, tricks, and started bringing out some stuff that we couldn't identify.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Boys."

"So, anyway, let's show you to camp." Annabeth smiled at the five wizards and witches, as the rest of those who came along had walked away in clusters.

We started walking. This sort-of reminded me of my first time here at camp, when I first arrived after killing off the Minoutaur. My thoughts were interrupted by Annabeth's voice.

"So, these are the cabins." Annabeth gestured towards them.

"Those are a lot." Liam said, dumbstruck.

Jason grinned at one of the cabins. "I'll just dump my stuff in there..." He headed off.

"Yeah, I'll go put my stuff in the Aphrodite cabin and help my siblings get their 'problem' solved." Piper ran, waving at us. "Catch you later!"

"Me too." Leo headed towards the Hephaustus cabin. "Got to see how the things over there are going."

"I think I'll-" Nico started to go towards the direction of his cabin, but was pulled by the back of his jacket by Annabeth.

She smirked. "You're not leaving without Liam and Hazel. Go show them where they're staying."

Nico sighed. "Yes ma'am." 

Liam walked behind Nico and Hazel. Only Frank, Annabeth, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were left.

"So, you guys are separated in here?" Ron asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, according to parentage."

"What if you're the only one in that cabin?" Hermione looked at the Zeus cabin. "Like Jason, I mean, there's no one else in there, as far as I can tell."

Annabeth looked at me. 

"Well," I scratched the back of my neck. "We still stay in there. It's lonely, but it's according to camp rules."

Frank interrupted by pointing towards Clarrise, who was vigourously slashing away the dummies with her spear. "Is that my sibling? The one you guys were talking about?"

Annabeth and I nodded. Ron, Harry, and Hermione, on the other hand, looked like they were about to get sick. 

"Erm, we'll go and place our things in the tents." Hermione said, then went off with Harry and Ron towards the tents that Professor McGonagall had set up along with the other teachers.

We walked towards the Ares cabin. "Well, Frank, go in." Annabeth gave him a little push on his back.

He sighed, went in, and closed the door behind him. 

"So, what do you want to do now, Percy?" Annabeth asked me.

I shrugged, looked over the horizon and saw it.

The sun was setting, and the world was being overcome with stars and darkness. 

I smiled to myself. 

I'm finally back home. 

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