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This is gonna be fun.....I guess...

           Leo's POV

                I got some of the candy that they always leave in a bowl in the common room and ate them all. Fine, some doesn't describe it. More like, lots and lots and lots. "Hey Leo." Jason says and waves.

               "Yes?" I say with an idotic grin on my face, my fingers playing with my backpack's zipper, my feet tapping wildly on the floor.

               "Oh no, he's at it again." I hear him mutter. "As  if he wasn't already ADHD for a demigod."

              "I'm at it? What is 'it'?" I ask, skipping towards him and Piper. I mess up Jason's hair when I reach them. Piper finally speaks. "Leo.... what did you do this time?"

              "WELL I CANDYATEALL." Then I laugh and roll on the floor.

             "It'll be over soon Pipes...."

             "OVERWHATWILLOVERBEOVERBE????????"  They sigh, and I hug everyone in the common room, and they look at me wildly. "CANDYCANDYCANDYCANDY MWAHAHAHAHA."

            -Page Break-

           Sorry the chapter is really short but I'm still thinking kay? Hope you enjoyed it and bye for now guys.

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