I'm Back

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So yeah, sorry guys for like not updating and all..... I was too busy with blood of olympus.


Nico tells Percy that he likes him. Gosh. wait give me a second to breathe..... but in my book I will NOT make Nico gay. Or bi. Or anything except a normal straight guy. Kay? Okay. Oh LOL TFIOS haha. Anyway.....


          Percy's POV

I still get this weird feeling about Calypso. When she's around me, with Leo, everywhere. Wait, why am I even thinking about this? I'm in the Great Hall. In the middle of a food fight. Or it was until Professor McGonagalll ended it. So....

        "I think you need to get out." McGonagall says to the Dauntless. They look at each other, grinning. I guess it was fine by them.

        "Whatever. We were going to leave anyway...." One of them says, Zeke, I think? They run. Away. And while they're at it, they throw burritos at us. (Hehe guys, remember? "Flying Mexican Food") Leo catches one and throws it in his mouth. We look at him strangely. "Mph?" He says, his mouth full of food. We just shake our heads, that's just the McShizzle he really is. Go Team Leo. Anyway, the Great Hall's strangely silent after the Dauntless go away, until a deafening roar erupts from one of the doors.

          "What the heck?" I hear Ron shout. "I thought Hogwarts had magical barriers!"

           "What is that?" I hear Annabeth say beside me. WOW. This coming from Wise Girl.

           This time, Harry responds above the commotion (mostly younger students screaming and prefects leading them to their common rooms). "It's a troll." he says. "Ron, Hermione, and I knocked out one when we were eleven."

          "Which included a lot of troll boogers." Ron adds helpfully.

          "Okay." Annabeth says. "So..... can youu guys do that again?"

          The look at each other. "With the troll boogers? We can try." Ron says, grinning, as the troll enters, smashing the door with a club.

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