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Draco's POV

                I see all the demigods and Ron, Harry, and  Hermione, rush towards Nico and me. This is actually a suprise, since we don't talk to them much, and I know that Harry, Ron, and Hermione despise me. But I've changed. Ever since the war,  I've changed, but they don't know that. They think I'm still that foul git. I wonder why they're suddenly running towards us....

               "Corridor." That's the first word that Piper says. Ah, the corridor. And the traps. Especially the traps. So this is what they've come here to talk about. Nico glances at me. He's panicking. I can see it in his face.

               "We don't know what you're talking about." I say, hoping to save us from trouble, but of course, it doesn't work.

                "We know what you did Draco." Ron says. I sigh. Maybe we should confess what we've done.

                "Fine...." Nico mutters.

                "So, what did you guys do?"

                "Umm... I think you guys are supposed to know already.." Nico says with a slight smile on his face.

               "Oh, yeah..."

               Annabeth finally speaks. "How did you guys do it? All the illusions, especially the ship, I loved it." Everyone stares at her. "I mean, the illusions, they looked so real, now that I think of it."

               There's only one word to explain everything. "Magic." I burst out. "Obviously, we're in Hogwarts remember?"

                "Sorry, I keep forgetting."

                This time it's Percy who speaks up. "But why did you do it? Especially you Nico, I thought you were our friend. And Hazel's brother. I thought we were supposed to help each other."

                "Sorry guys, I didn't know what got to me, and--" Nico gets interrupted by a sound of a troll farting, and I'm guessing that it's coming from a corridor outside of a classroom. We all look, and see Fred and George on their brooms, and several students laughing as they hang banners on the walls of the school that burst out in farts and several times it says, "Oh, aren't Fred and George just the best?" Then they would fart their names. Which was just gross.

                "Anyway.." Percy says, averting his eyes from the commotion. "Why'd you do it?"

                Nico sighs. "I guess I was just wondering how you guys would react."

                "It's alright Nico.." Leo says, "Wow does dudes got style." Leo says, still watching Fred and George. Hermione sighs. "It's their thing Leo...."

                "I'm gonna join them."

                "Good luck with that." Harry says, "You don't want a farting troll on your face."


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