Professor Snape

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Hehe guys please go check out CayAudz books TY! ILYSM <3

Harry's POV

I traced circles on the cover of my book lazily. Potions was boring, and besides, I hated the teacher. He walked around the classroom, glancing occasionally in our cauldrons.

As always, he stopped at my place and sniffed the potion before making a disgusted face. "Ten points from Gryffindor, Potter, you forgot to add the bezoar." He pointed at the third line of the instructions on the board and emptied out my cauldron with a wave of his wand.

I gritted my teeth and started from the first instruction.

"Potter! Where is your potion?" Snape shouted as I hurriedly mixed the potion. One more...

"A zero, Potter, and I hope that you do better next time."

I stomped out of the dungeons, feeling angry about what Snape had done.

"Harry, you should've argued with him!" Ron said.

Hermione shook her head. "He'll just get detention."

"He just had to clean out my cauldron. Didn't he see Crabbe's? It was reeking of puke!" I exclaimed.

Hermione sighed. "Snape'll never change, Harry, you kno-" She paused suddenly because the very person we were talking about passed by, running into a dark corridor. He didn't even have time to look at us.

I nodded at Ron and Hermione, and they nodded back at me as we all scurried after Snape quietly.

"Yes, I-I brought it-" We heard Snape whisper.

The person he was talking to mumbled something inaudible.

We stayed for about a minute, trying to hear if they were continuing to talk, but we suddenly heard footsteps nearing.
We scampered, making a run for the staircase.

"Goodbye, Severus." A chill ran down my spine as I recognized the voice. It couldn't be...


Ron, Hermione, and I looked at each other, shocked.

The man whom Snape was talking to was...


Jason's POV

Everyone in the common room stared as Ron, Hermione and Harry ran in, slamming the painting behind them.

"Fine, fine! Go and bounce me against the wall!" The Fat Lady humphed after them.

They ignored her, immediately taking the seats near the fireplace to tall to each other. The wrong thing was that they all had worried expressions on their faces.

"I wonder what's wrong." Percy frowned. "Maybe I should go-"

Annabeth pulled him back. "You can't. It's obvious from their faces that only they would understand."


"Percy." Annabeth gave him a stern look.

"Fine." Percy pulled back.

Annabeth let go of his arm. "It's weird how they were seemingly so happy yesterday, but now they're all quiet and mysterious."

The rest of us nodded, agreeing with her.

Someone knocked on the painting from the outside. "All demigods are being called by the headmaster."


"This is getting weirder by the second." Piper said.

I squeezed her hand. "Let's just be prepared for anything, alright?"

"Yeah." Piper nodded.

And with that, we stepped outside the common room, bracing ourselves for what may come next.

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