Capture the Flag

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Harry's POV

Hermione frowned as she lifted up her sword. "Do we need these things? It's way too heavy; it can knock someone out."

I nodded. "I'd rather use my wand."

"But, the horse guy said, no wands." Fred sighed, putting away his wand and several Weasley's Wizard Wheezes items.

Nico couldn't help but roll his eyes at him. "His name is Chiron, and he's not a 'horse guy', he's a centaur."

George grinned at her. "It's the same thing."

Piper's head appeared behind Nico. "It is not."

Fred shrugged, grinning like his brother. "We better go now, and you stop your little chat or else they'll come for you." He pointed at the hunters, who all had aggressive looks on their faces, and strolled away, followed by George.

"Wait, but we can use our wands, right?" Ginny frowned, looking confused.

Ron scratched the back of his head and glanced at Ginny. "W-well, we struck a deal with the Hunters that we wouldn't use our wands, so that-" He looked like he was about to melt from the intensity of Ginny's glare, but continued. "So that they wouldn't use their fart arrows." He finished, and casually hid behind Hermione.

Ginny tugged on Ron's ear forcefully. "Just when I could actually use my wand properly in a battle where we can't die, you go ruin my chance!"

Ron winced, and his eyes immediately widened when he looked over my shoulder. Everyone noticed his expression and looked wildly behind me. Then we saw it.

A flash of a silver arrow landed on the ground in front of us, and just when we had gotten a proper glance at it, it exploded, leaving the smell of fart in the air.

We all started coughing, pinching our noses in disgust.

"Fart arrows again?" Percy yelled at the Hunters.

Meanwhile, the rest of us in near the Poop Pile were all cringing, trying to move away from the smell while three Hunters moved past us, running towards the flag.

"GET THEM!" Nico roared, and that was the first time we had ever heard him shout, but we had no time to be surprised; the three were just a few feet away from the flag now.

"Harry, we can Apparate!" Hermione said, and disappeared, reappearing near the flag.

Nico grunted and ran into the wall, and seemed to form through shadows near the flag, and stood beside Hermione, his sword at the ready.

One of the girls yelled angrily and shot an arrow towards the two. Hermione yelped, but Nico had somehow managed to deflect it with his blade. Ron let out a breath beside me.

"Well, won't you help them out, too?" Ginny yelled at the two of us, and we both Apparated to where Hermione and Nico were. The three Hunters were outnumbered, and we knew they knew it, but for some reason, they grinned at us.

"You can't see what's hidden from you, can you?" One of them said to us, and immediately, I fell to the floor because a girl running from the other side knocked into us, gripping the flag tightly in her hand.


The flag tugged itself out of the girls grip, but she wouldn't let go, until the flag was literally yanked from her hand by the force of the spell.


"YOU PROMISED NO FART ARROWS!" He yelled back at her, his ears dangerously turning red.

She shrugged, and started heading our way.

We all held hands and Disapparated, Apparating back to the Poop Pile with our flag.

A huge cheer erupted from our side. I looked up. Percy Jackson was raising the flag, which he was waving in the air, as he crossed over to our side.

Everyone rushed towards him and carried him in their arms, and we could clearly see that his face was full of joy.

"Well." Chiron said into the megaphone, smiling slightly. "That's one for the wizards and a few of the campers, and zero for the Hunters and most of the campers."

We all headed back to our tents, and the Hunters and the Campers headed back to their cabins. Even though it was already past midnight, some cheers were still able to reach our tent, along with a few groans.

I took off my glasses and placed them beside my bed in the enlarged tent, getting ready to fall asleep, until I heard a sound coming from right outside the tent, and went to check, my wand gripped tightly in my hand.

"Who's there?" I asked, squinting in the darkness.

Suddenly, a cold pair of hands covered my mouth. "Follow me." A familiar voice whispered in my ear.

"Ginny?" I whispered right back, and she took her hand off my mouth.

She smiled brightly at me. "Look what I found." We walked to the shore together.

"Ginny, they said there were harpies there-" My voice faltered at the sight of her running towards the sand, and sitting down, patting the spot beside her.

"I took your Invisibility Cloak." She said as I sat down, and smiled, showing a bright set of white teeth, which was glowing in the dark. We wrapped the cloak around us, and we disappeared from view.

"It's nice here, isn't it?" She whispered, and looked up at me, her body pressed against my chest.

I felt like I was hyperventilating due to the closeness of her body to mine. "Yeah." I whispered, and our lips connected.

We kissed a few more tines, starting out gentle, but they gained a kind of hunger as our lips met even more.

Eventually, we fell asleep under a thousand stars.

Stars that were glittering brightly from above us, somehow making the scene calmer.


OMG sorry guys that I haven't updated for so long, I was really busy. >.< I'll try to update sooner and all, so yeah.

Anyway, LOL I'm so glad that they moved the opening of our school like a week later LOL I'm so tired and my head hurts XD Kay I gotta go now, so...

Peace out.

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