TAFL :: 88

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we stared at each others eyes and thats enough for me to see that he doesnt seemed like surprised seeing me here and meeting each other again for the past four years ever since he had left me with no words. and since we were staring at each others eyes, i could see through his eyes that he felt somewhat relieved of seeing me here again and the way his lashes flickered was in a slow motion like he wasnt seeing anyone beside me though were being surrounded by my auntie, engineers and his architects. 

i tried looking away from his gaze because the more that i stared at him directly through his eyes, i could remember how he used to stare at me before, how he looked at me like im the whole world to him, like the universe was revolving around me. that kind of look i had long for and i had missed for, for the past four years. he had me used to that looked and stared that made me hard to move on and forward. this is one of the reasons why it took me so hard to survive during that years and heaven knows that even i tried, im still longing for that kind of look.

and the reason why i tried so hard to look away, was because it also made me reminded of how much pain he brought into my life the moment he left me. oo siguro for some, they would think that im too ambitious or assuming na masakit yung ginawa nya, but it was... it really does. i had been stuck over the past years whether to wait for him or just gave him up already since hindi na sya babalik dahil nga nag-migrate na sya. we almost had it e, we're almost there, the couple that we wanted to become, the relationship we wanted to have.. the us. 

we're almost there, we almost had each other and you all know, almost is never enough. 

he let out a small smile. "nice to meet you, doctor yoon."

and the only moment i had looked away from him was when i noticed that he gestured his hand for a handshake which made me jerked my eyes into it, staring at it and hesitating whether to take it or not.. and when i was about to take it and greeted him back, my pager had beep that made me looked away and fished it out from my trench coats pocket to see whose paging me and i almost let out a small smile after seeing that it was doctor gomez, paging me for i dont know the reasons. 

i looked back at seungcheol and let out a small smile.."im sorry, patients had page me but anyways, nice to meet you all. we'll talk about some matter when i have free time." i shot my auntie a glance and showed her my pager then she nodded, signalling me to go. 

i didnt waste no time nor i didnt even tried to looked back and just ranaway from the site going back to the hospital to save myself from his presence. his charisma didnt change... at all. even when he was just standing there doing nothing, he could caught your attention even when he wasnt trying and from the way he looked at me like as if he wasn't seeing anyone but me and that's enough to get me pissed off. 

when i went inside the hospital, doctor gomez had greeted me saying that my patient, i mean krisha was missing and they were looking for her all over the pit and other rooms since she was needed for the OR already. i helped them look for my patient and was calling her name over and over while looking to all the rooms one by one. i had checked the staircase, the fire exit, the lobby once again, to the cafeteria but she wasnt there until ive got into the hallway bridging between the nursery and the operating room and a smile crept into my face after seeing her foot under the table. 

i went closer to that thing and lifted the table clothe and there... i saw her, my patient was hiding under this table. i sat on the same level as her and saw her crying while she was covering her face using her both hands. she was sobbing so hard and when i tried to pull her hands away, she dodge it with so much force not wanting me to touch her nor to even removed the cover to her face. i sat on the floor same as her and watched her cry and wait for her to finally talked to me first. i had did this thing for several kids before in korea, and it was effective. 

Time and Fallen Leaves :: jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now