TAFL :: 110

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i almost yell and jumped out of frightened upon hearing sejeong was suddenly calling me. i shut my eyes first and clutched my chest because my heart had beaten faster due to the way she made me startled. when i opened my eyes, sejeong was looking at me with her both brows furrowing surely was asking what was happening to me when she should know she startled the hell out of me at this moment. i arched her also a brow to ask her why she was looking at me like that but she just shook her head. 

she placed the charts back in the nurse desk before she looked at me once again. "are you okay, hanhan? you're zoning out since earlier." she announced making her brows even furrowed.

i heave a sighed. "was it true, doctor kim?" i had to stop right there because i was having a dillema whether to say it to her or ask her.. but guess, i have to. "what you said to me before?.. was it really true?" 

"what the hell hanhan, i never lied anything to you plus we're doctors so how could i lie?" 

"i mean... its not about the hospital or the patients.." i bit my lower lip, really was hesitating to say it or ask her about it again. i heave a sighed. "about what you said to me... for the both me and seungcheol? was it true?" 

i saw how the furrowed on her brows faded prolly she remembered what she told me before because i remember all of it and even the way how her voice sounded that time. she told me that.. she told me that seungcheol and i are meant to be together and thats what ricocheting through my head since my friends or jihoon and minghao had told me the same and to tell you, i have been hearing their voices inside my head like a broken record that made me confuse if we really were... and right now, i need an answer.

i need a freaking answer about the question i asked her. i couldn't ask minghao or jihoon once again because for sure they would scold me for not knowing it by now na hindi ko naman talaga alam! im a doctor oo, im smart and im that intelligent but when it comes to this... no, when it comes to him, my mind would always ended up blank! and that blank was happening to me right now so i need someone to confirm it to me because if they didn't or if someone wouldn't, im going crazy already! 

sejeong laughed at me. "im just going to repeat what i said to you awhile ago..." then the side of her lips rose up and she folded her both arms on her chest level. "so if i told you i never lied anything to you... and that anything includes you and seungcheol being meant to be."

my heart started to beat faster and something inside of me excites me so much that i couldn't help but to flush a wide sweet smile towards her.. and im flushing that kind of smile because i had finally heard the answer! i finally know the answer and ive been waiting for that words to come out from one of my friends mouth ever since ive got confused if seungcheol and i really were... and now, hearing it from sejeong was really something! i felt like i found something i never wanted to lose for the rest of my life.

she arched me a brow. "whats with the big smile?" 

"c-can you do me a favor? please sejeong... please please." i held her hand trying to convince her to do me a favor. saglit lang naman! babalik din naman ako agad. 

"what is it?" 

"can you cover me up? please? babalik din ako agad." i removed my stethoscope that was hanging on my neck and placed it at the nurse desk. "and if my father ever looked at me while i was away, tell him im covering the pit."

Time and Fallen Leaves :: jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now