Chapter 3: Guess Who?

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Virgil sighed as he sat down on the hospital roof, setting his scythe aside. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the maps, taking a look at the city to see what was where. Florida is a lot different than Virgil remembered, to be fair though it's been a couple hundred of years.

There were a few white dots, mortal souls, most of them animals, though there were already other reapers going to take care of them. There were several red spots as well, most small though so he shouldn't worry, small phantoms aren't too big of a threat.

Right behind the golden dot that Virgil knew was him, two other golden dots got closer. They slowed down a bit but continued moving closer.

"Slacking on the job I see," a voice lulled behind him, making him roll his eyes.

"I've been working non stop for the past two days, Janus. Reapers sleep too."

"Like once a month, and you're not even sleeping." Janus sat down next to him. He had a black cape over a yellow button up and wore silk yellow gloves. There was a scar on the side of his mouth that he had gotten while alive, though he will never tell the story. One of his eyes was brown, the other a milky gray since he was blind in that eye, though both were ringed with yellow. His hair was a bright yellow, glowing slightly.

"I haven't slept in a year!" Remus added, sitting next to Janus. He isn't allowed to leave his side, being Janus's responsibility as a reaper in training.

Remus still wore the torn leather jacket that he died in, spikes on his shoulders and bullet holes on the back. The sides of his head were shaved and slicked up into a mohawk, it was neon green except for the roots, which were brown as if it was simply dyed, except for the one gray strip of hair that hung in front of his face. He had an eyebrow and a septum piercing above his mustache. They both reflected the soft light that came from his green eyes.

"You just recently turned into a reaper, dear, you'll need to sleep eventually."

"Ugh, I still can't believe he's a reaper," Virgil groaned. "He should not have a weapon."

"I leveled up bitch!" Remus shouted, summoning his morning star. "Now I get to do some damage!"

"Also good, your main job is to lead souls to the afterlife," Janus reminded him.

"I know, but fighting those weird creatures is so much fun!"

"For the millionth time, they're phantoms, malevolent spirits! They're dangerous and you're still new at this so you shouldn't fight anything big yet. You'll get overwhelmed and turned yourself."

Virgil shook his head with a laugh. "You dug your own grave there, Jan."

"Ooh, speaking of graves you still haven't shown me yours!" Remus said. "It's been a year since I died, I wanna see your grave."

"No," Janus stated, leaving no room for argument. Virgil always forgets how secretive the yellow reaper is, he's never told anyone about when he was alive.

Not that Virgil blamed him, Janus is the only one Virgil has ever told about his own life, well, except for one other reaper. He... wasn't too proud of who he was back then. He's making up for it now, though, he's helping people now.

"Fine," Remus pouted. He turned to Virgil and asked, "Can I visit your grave one day?"

"If you want to visit someone's grave, go visit your own," Virgil told him.

"I don't wanna though! Do you know how embarrassing it would be if I ran into my brother? He's probably still upset like a big baby."

"You died a year ago! Besides, he can't see... What was your brother's name again?" Now that Virgil was looking at him, Remus looked awfully familiar to the man that was in the car crash.

When reapers click on the white dots on their maps, they can see what kind of soul it is and if they have a name, what their name is. Virgil remembered the name he saw, only because he rolled his eyes at how ridiculous it was.

"Roman Prince," Remus rolled his tongue on the r's as he said it.

"Yup, knew it. Your brother almost died yesterday, he was actually in this hospital last night."

"What?!" Remus jumped to his feet, almost dropping his morning star. "What happened to him?!"

Virgil scratched his neck, still looking at his phone. "Car crash. Wasn't his fault though, some idiot was texting and driving."

"Jeeze, how many people need to die before they realize it's not worth texting and driving?" Janus complained.

"No one died, it was just another false alarm I got on my phone."

"Is he okay?" Remus asked, concern lacing his voice. It surprised Virgil since he always seemed carefree. According to Janus when he was told he was dead, his response was just, "Aw dang."

"I... saw him earlier. He was in a car with two other people, he had a bandage wrapped around his head but that was all I saw. He left the hospital this morning, so he's probably fine."

Remus sighed and Janus put a hand on his shoulder. "He's probably with Logan and Patton then, he'll be fine."

"Yeah, probably." Virgil looked down again as he thought about Roman. The human definitely saw him earlier when that bird died. "Well, I should get back to work."

"Oh by the way, Ren says welcome to Florida," Janus told him as Virgil stood up.

Virgil put on a fake smile. "Oh, well give her this for me." He made a very rude hand gesture.

Remus laughed, "I will if Janus won't!"

"Don't, she's your superior," Janus warned.

"She's not yours!"

Virgil rolled his eyes, clicking on a red dot that seemed bigger than the others. A level 3 spirit, not too bad. It should only take a few minutes for him to finish it off, he is one of Death's best fighters after all.

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