Chapter 12: Mall Trip!

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Roman went over the techniques Virgil had taught him in his head as he folded a bunch of shirts before putting them away on some shelves. He worked at a fancy clothing store, one that was a little too rich for his taste but they paid him good money. He didn't care too much about this job, since he likes to call himself an actor and a freelance artist on the side. All he needed to find was the right gig to hit it big time.

Of course, it seemed like he has even less time to himself. He'll soon have an audition on Saturday, and if he gets any part he'll have rehearsals to go to. Then there was of course what he'll be doing at night from now on. Training with Virgil was hard, but fun.

Although he could feel every punch, or feel himself hit the ground as a spirit, when he's back in his body the pain goes away. Plus his body gets the rest it needs while it sleeps! So he's not exhausted! Guess there were some perks to this whole spirit world thing.

Virgil told him that he'll watch over him during the day, keep his work around him. And at night he'll stop by and help train him to fight for himself. So far though, Roman has yet to get a single hit on him when they're actually sparring together and not going over techniques.

"So, this is where you work at?" a voice behind him said, making Roman jump as he turned around.

Virgil stood behind him, looking around at the different clothes. He was in his human form, brown hair and eyes. His cloak had turned into a black hoodie again with purple patches sewn on. Other employees from the store glanced at him, obviously thinking the same thing, he didn't look like the kind of person to shop at a shop with such high prices like this.

"Uh, yes?" Roman answered. "And I'm currently working, so I'm afraid I can't talk to you unless you need something." Roman glanced at the other employees, who looked away from the strange man.

"Hm, I have some money. You have anything you recommend? That's how these fancy stores work, right?"

Roman blinked, that was the last thing he expected. "Um- yes! You-you do have modern money, right? Like American bills?"

"Ah dang no, I only have this weird piece of plastic," Virgil said sarcastically, pulling out a black card, a small skull in a corner. Roman's eyes widened, surprised to actually see the mastercard. "Some reapers like living among humans, so Death gives us an allowance. I hardly ever use it, so I have plenty of money."

"Right, so I have a bunch of rich friends. Cool. Well, do you have anything in mind that you would like?"

"Anything, I don't care. I just want an excuse to talk to you."

"I didn't peg you as the chatty type." Roman started walking towards a row of dress shirts, Virgil following.

"I'm not." The reaper shrugged, not elaborating.

"Thought so. Well, is there a reason you're showing up right now?"

"Well, I guess I got bored. I've been in this mall all day, walked pretty much everywhere and slaying whatever phantom I see. There's only been like one death, a rat outside that was eaten by a bird. I'm bored."

"Well my shift ends in an hour. Did you see any stores you liked?"

"Hot Topic was pretty cool."

Roman laughed with a small shake of his head. "You're definitely an emo. Why don't you hang out in Barnes and Nobles? Find something to read. Wait, you can read English, right?"

Virgil pulled out his phone and typed something. Roman felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out to see he got a text message from him. "No shit."

"Right, I guess if you've been around for two thousand years you pick up a few things." Roman put his phone away and continued to look for a shirt. "Ah, here we go, this should fit you." He grabbed a purple dress shirt with black buttons from a rack, holding it out to Virgil.

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