Chapter 34: Could Disney Sue Me For This?

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"Disney World! Disney World!" Patton chanted as they walked through the gates, showing their passes. He was bouncing on his feet, reminding Virgil a lot of Sal. Through his excitement, he unconsciously let his power flow through, making the area windy. Roman must have noticed because he seemed like he was on the verge of laughter.

"Slow down! You'll leave us behind in the crowd!" he giggled, grabbing Patton's hand as he dragged Virgil behind with his other.

Logan took Patton's other hand, successfully keeping him tethered to them. Around Logan's neck was a pair of sound proof headphones for when he gets too overwhelmed. "It would be best to stick together," he advised. "There are many people here and we could get hurt if we're not careful."

"I know, I'm just so excited! Where should we go first?" Patton asked, stars shining in his eyes.

"The castle of course!" Roman demanded. "We have to go there first!"

"What's in the castle?" Virgil asked, raising his voice to be heard.

"A bunch of stuff! There's a spa and a restaurant! We could get something to eat there! A bunch of mosaics and flags, so many easter eggs! We have to go there!" Roman tightened his grip on Virgil and Patton before dragging them towards Cindella's castle.

Virgil just rolled his eyes with a slight laugh as they made their way through the crowd. He could see people dressed up as Disney characters, little kids hugging them, speaking with them, or shyly waving at them from behind their parents. It wasn't a perfect place though, there were several phantoms in several different places, mostly around parents but there were a few children who also weren't having a great experience.

He itched to get rid of the phantoms, but most were class one phantoms. He's supposed to be on vacation, he's supposed to relax. He doesn't need to be doing his job right now, both Janus and Death allowed him to relax here.

He turned back to look at Roman who was buzzing with excitement. He acted like a giant child, it was endearing. Virgil didn't have to worry about getting rid of phantoms, he'll just focus on keeping Roman safe.


After spending over an hour at the castle, Logan, Patton, and Virgil pulled Roman away so they could explore more of the park. It was a challenge, but once they were out Roman quickly moved onto the next thing.

They went into giant tea cups that were designed after the Mad Hatter's tea cups, Virgil made the mistake of going in the same one as Roman. While Logan and Patton were calmly spinning around, Roman and Virgil spun around so fast that when they got off they both walked as straight as they were.

They went onto the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, which was a slow roller coaster, but was enough to pump adrenaline through Virgil's veins. If it had been any faster, he would not have liked it at all, roller coasters were worse than cars.

Of course after telling Roman this, he brought them to an actual roller coaster, one Dumbo themed. Virgil held onto the human's arm so tight it cut off his blood circulation and left marks on his arm. Roman decided to not bring him onto any more roller coasters.

After getting lunch, they went into the Haunted Mansion, which Virgil found more enjoyable. Patton however found himself clinging tight to Logan, despite having been here before. It was another slow moving roller coaster, but Virgil got used to it after a moment.

Afterwards they walked the Disney Island Trails, which was basically a zoo. Logan told them any animal facts he knew, and he read all the information boards that were posted all around. Although Virgil and Patton loved it, they were also saddened to see the caged animals, Patton more since he's a nature spirit.

Once they reached the end of that, they found themselves walking towards some stores. Logan found Patton a giant Dumbo stuffed animal, and Roman found Mickey ears for all of them. Virgil found a bunch of pins for himself including one with the Cheshire cat on it, and Patton got Logan a long sleeved shirt that had Baymax on it. Of course they got a bunch of other things as well.

Roman snuck away for a moment while Virgil wasn't looking, quickly buying something before making it back to the reaper's side just as he noticed the human was missing. Virgil asked where he went, only for Roman to pull out the giant rainbow lollipop he had bought. Virgil broke down in laughter before accepting it, lovingly telling Roman, "You're ridiculous."

For the next few hours, Roman kept thinking about the giant smile that was on Virgil's face as he laughed. After it happened, the two were basically glued at the hip. They stayed next to each other whenever the group split up for whatever reason, not that it was much different from before.

After they got dinner and went onto more rides, they had the parade left. The four stood off to the side, Logan holding Patton's hand so he wouldn't get lost with his sound proof headphones on. The floats passed by as fireworks went off, songs playing loudly as characters danced with each other.

Patton smiled up at Logan, watching as his eyes wandered through the crowd. Patton knew he was counting people in the crowd, a small stim he had, if it could be called a stim. It helped him keep calm and focus.

Roman hugged Virgil close as they watched the floats and characters go by. Virgil didn't mind it at all though, in fact it was really nice and warm since it had gotten quite cold as the sun went over the horizon.

Virgil leaned his head against Roman's chest as the Frozen float moved past them. He didn't care much about the parade, it was great but it wasn't the best part of the day.

He froze when it dawned on him, his smile becoming sad as he dazed off slightly. The best part of the day was seeing Roman's smile, hearing his laugh, and just spending it with him. Cupid must hate him, making him fall in love again. He wasn't going to get out of this mess easily.

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