Chapter 45: This'll be So Much Fun! ...Nevermind

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CW: both reaper and human blood (This one's kinda long)

"Why are we here again?" Logan asked with annoyance in his voice.

"Ghost hunting!" Roman exclaimed, his voice echoing in the abandoned wooden house. It was a decent size house, a staircase leading upstairs, a door leading to what used to be a dining room, and two other entrances without doors leading to the kitchen and living room. There was a chandelier hanging on rusty chains just above the entrance, it swayed slightly from the breeze coming from outside.

"This is trespassing, we could get in trouble for this."

"It's not like we're going to be caught!" Roman smiled at Virgil, who was across the veil so Logan couldn't see him.

Virgil laughed slightly, shaking his head. "I can't believe you guys are actually doing this."

"We should be careful," Patton said, looking around. "It looks like this place is falling apart."

"And I bet it's crawling with phantoms, hopefully just weak ones," Virgil added.

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Roman said. "The worst that could happen is if we scratch ourselves on something rusty."

"You'd have to get a tetanus shot if you do, and I don't think you want that," Logan told him.

"Then I won't scratch myself on something rusty! Simple as that."

The teacher sighed, "Why do I have to be here? I don't believe in ghosts, and I doubt you'll have anything to prove that they exist!"

Roman swung off his backpack, "Oh you're wrong there my dear friend! Although my lovely boyfriend isn't here-" Patton squealed slightly at the reminder. "-he did buy some ghost hunting equipment for me! Because he refuses to let me buy anything too expensive." He growled the last part, sending a small glare at Virgil who just shrugged.

"Gift giving is a love language," Logan said. "But do you really think any of these will work?"

"No," Virgil answered, though Logan didn't hear him.

"Yes! I do! One of them has to work."

"I wish Virgil was here, he's the most sensible of you all." Logan rolled his eyes.

Roman suppressed his laugh and pulled out the first ghost hunting equipment. "Alright, let's try the spirit box first!"

"Those just take frequencies from different radio stations? Of course we'll hear some words, but it won't mean anything."

"Unless we're able to get a sentence or two! Ghosts are supposed to be able to manipulate it to speak!"

"'Supposed to' is the key phrase here."

Roman sighed and rolled his eyes slightly as he sat down. "We'll see, just hold your ears for a second."

Logan didn't need to be told twice, and both Patton and Virgil did it looking a bit confused. Roman switched it on and when he did all three flinched, Patton and Virgil more so. Patton pressed his hands on his ears harder and whined, Virgil took a step back from it and kept his hands on his ears.

"Gah! That hurts!" he shouted.

"I-I don't like that," Patton commented, trying not to show how much pain he was in.

"No wonder you guys don't ever get any proof of spirits, that hurts my ears!"

To their surprise, the spirit box repeated in a distorted voice, "Proof... hurts- ears."

"See! Even your imaginary ghost doesn't like it!" Logan pointed out, holding his ears still. "Turn it off already!"

Roman quickly did so, and the other three sighed in relief. Patton rubbed his ears with a slight pout.

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