Chapter 33: Virgil's Getting Soft

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CW: talking a lot about scars

"Virgil," Roman cooed softly, nudging the sleeping reaper.

Said reaper groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as the car slowly made its way through the traffic. He pressed his face further into Roman's shoulder, against the light.

"I can't believe he fell asleep," Patton commented in a quiet voice.

"Virgil we're almost there," Roman told him, nudging him a little more. Virgil hummed in response and finally opened his eyes, sitting up. He looked out of the window to see them passing what looked like a giant amusement park.

"Where are we?" he asked, his voice quiet and husky with sleep.

"The best place in the world!" Roman wrapped an arm around, pulling him close again. "Disney World!"

"We just need to check into the hotel and unpack our things. Tomorrow we'll go to the park, but we can still look around the town," Logan explained. "I'm sure Roman and Patton would love to go shopping."

"I would love a giant stuffed animal!" Patton agreed.

"First we need to get past all of these cars."

"I'm so excited! I've never had the chance to come here before," Roman said, bouncing in his seat.

"Sit still, you're rocking the car," Logan told him. "If you must, just flap your hands."

Roman nodded, quickly doing so. Virgil laughed slightly, he looked so excited. The positivity radiating from him was contagious, and everyone could feel it. It made Virgil smile wide, seeing the light in his eyes.

"So do you have any idea of what you want to do tomorrow?" Virgil asked him.

"Ooh! We have to go to the castle! That's an absolute must! Oh, and there's so many roller coasters we could go on! So many restaurants to eat at too! I don't know, there's too much! There's no way we're going to be able to do everything in the two days we're going to be at the park."

"Definitely not," Logan agreed. "But perhaps we can come back again one day."

"I would love to!"

"Let's focus on this trip for now," Virgil suggested. "But still, a trip to Disney World? I know this was planned but it still feels a bit spontaneous."

"I asked Logan about it soon after we first talked about it!" Patton told him. "I really wanted you to come here!"

"Have you been to Disney World before?" Roman asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"A... few times. I never got the chance to do much. I'm really excited to be here with you guys though! It's going to be so much fun!"

"You have to take us to your favorite places then!"

"If you want, sure! Okay, our hotel should be that way," Patton pointed to the right. "We're almost there!"

"Alright," Logan said, carefully turning the corner.

"There's a lot of traffic here," Virgil noted, seeing cars moving like giant metal slugs on the road. He was used to seeing traffic, but not in towns like this.

"Everyone wants to come to Disney World. It's probably much worse in the summer."

"We got the tickets as soon as possible," Roman told him. "And booked a nearby hotel that had rooms for us. We were able to get two rooms! Both with two beds, so you don't have to worry about sharing a bed with anyone. Though you apparently don't mind falling asleep next to anyone."

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