Chapter 32: Wow Modern Day People are Nice

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“Okay, I think everything’s packed,” Roman said, grabbing his suitcase and bag from the couch.

“You still have yet to tell me where you’re taking me,” Virgil reminded him. “I mean, three days worth of clothes? What do we need that for?”

“It’s a surprise! You’re going to love it, trust me.”

“While I trust you, I hate surprises. I mean, you had me ask Janus if I could leave the city for four days! Who knows what could happen here while we’re gone!”

“One day to go there, two days at the surprise, and then a day to get back! Besides, he told me that you have plenty of unused vacation days! I didn’t even know you guys were allowed them!”

“Usually we’re only allowed one a decade, some people including me have a week, though Death was never strict about it and sometimes let it slide as long as we actually work. It’s so low because we get enough free time during the day.”

“Where did you spend your vacation days?”

Virgil shrugged. “Visiting some people. Not so much anymore these days.”

“Well now you get to spend four days with me! And the car ride is only a few hours long.”

“Good thing I’m not going to be in the car.”

Roman sucked in some air through his teeth, making Virgil frown in worry. “Actually, Logan and Patton are coming with us. So in order to keep your secret hidden from Logan, you’re going to have to be in the car with us.”

“That doesn’t seem very fun, Roman,” Virgil hissed.

“Logan’s going to be driving! He’s a rule stickler so we won’t go over the speed limit at all. He’s a really careful driver, I promise! Plus it’ll be worth it when we get there! I know you’ll love it!”

“And I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“I already told Logan and Patton that we’re both coming! Everything’s been paid for!”

“How expensive is it?”

“Don’t worry about that, Logan insisted that he pay for most of it. Patton and I helped of course. Besides, we only paid for snacks on the road, the hotel rooms, and passes to the main surprise.”


“You’ll see. Now do you have everything packed? Logan and Patton should be picking us up soon.”

“Yes, though I don’t see why I can’t just pack it in my dimension pocket. It would be much easier.”

Roman put his hands together. “Logan. Logan is the reason why. If you don’t have a suitcase, he will ask where your things are. And he knows how much I over pack, so we can’t pretend that we’re sharing a suitcase. Now go grab yours!”

Virgil groaned but went back to his room, grabbing the purple suitcase. He pulled it into the living room, setting it on the couch next to Roman’s. “There. Are we ready now?”

“We’re just waiting for Logan and Patton! They should be here any minute!”

“Great.” Virgil rolled his eyes, already getting nervous about the drive.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be in the back with me. The back is safer than the front, so we should be fine.” Virgil started chewing on his thumbnail, a nervous habit of his that Roman had noticed. “And if it gets too bad, just remember the breathing exercise I showed you that one time. Breath in for four seconds, old for seven, and let out for eight.”

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