Chapter 20: The Great Disney Gods

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CW: small bit of blood, nothing bad

Roman hummed slightly as he cut up an apple in the kitchen. He looked up when he heard footsteps, seeing Virgil walk in.

"Morning! Want an apple slice?" Roman asked, holding a piece out.

"Nah, I'm not an apple guy," Virgil told him. He grabbed a bowl and some cereal, he's been in his human form for too long and had started to get hungry.

"You can sleep for a long time. Almost twelve hours!"

"Well, we only sleep once a month. Did any phantoms get in?"

"Strangely enough, no."

Virgil nodded. "Cool, I'll have to thank a friend later. Guess I owe her."

"Ooh, is it your second friend that I have yet to meet?" Roman turned to look at him.

"Yeah, and you're not going to meet her. You'll both be unbearable if you become friends."

"She sounds fun then! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for- ow!" Roman pulled his hand back, having cut his finger. "Great Disney gods, that hurt."

"Are- wait what? Disney gods? Is that a new religion I don't know about?" Virgil asked, grabbing a bandage from a drawer.

Roman couldn't help but laugh, making Virgil frown in embarrassment. "No, no, have you seriously never heard of Disney?"

"I-it sounds familiar, but I can't remember." The reaper gave him the bandage and Roman wrapped it around his finger, putting some pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

"It's a bunch of movies! They're actually a corporation but they're known for their amazing movies!"

"Wait, they're that mouse thing, right? Like the black mouse with the giant ears?"

"Mickey Mouse! That's their mascot!"

"Weird, I think I remember that. I've never seen any of their movies though."

Roman gasped loudly. "We need to fix that! Movie marathon day! We'll start with the classics!"

"Dude, I have a job I have to do. Ever since I moved in with you, my numbers have been down. I need to catch up, or I'll never hear the end of it."

"Oh! What if you and I hunt phantoms together then? That way I can get some experience with phantoms, and see you actually fight up close instead of you just throwing me around. Then later tonight, we can have a movie night!"

"There's a few problems with that, lollipop. One, you have this thing." Virgil poked Roman's chest. "Your body. I know you can last longer outside of your body now, but I don't want to test how far you can be from your body. And even if you can go across the world or something, there's also your spirit cord. I don't want that being damaged."

Roman groaned, "Then I'll never be allowed to fight phantoms. It's not like I can make it just disappear without me being dead."

Virgil shrugged. "Maybe there is. We actually don't know much about spirit cords."

"You think so?" Roman asked, stars entering his eyes. He quickly went over to the couch, making Virgil roll his eyes with a slight smile. He took a deep breath, and after a moment he stepped out of his body.

"You're also getting faster with doing that," Virgil said, walking over.

Roman picked at his spirit cord, twirling it around his finger. "So, if it breaks I die. That's all you guys know about it?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Virgil crossed his arms, curious as to what Roman was doing.

"Why is it red?"

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