Chapter 14: So Good to See You Dear Brother! Now What the F-

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Small CW: quite a bit of cursing, lol

“Remus?” Roman asked so softly Virgil almost missed it because of the pure panic that shot through the reaper. This was bad.

“Uh- i-it’s,” Virgil stuttered as he tried to explain. Shit, Remus doesn’t want Roman to know about him! This isn’t good at all.

“That’s my brother!” Roman watched as Remus hit the phantom on the back of it’s head, distracting it as the other reaper slashed at it with the blade at the end of their whip. What was going on? Why did Remus have that weapon, and he was fighting a phantom? “I know my brother anywhere, is he a reaper?!”

“Can-can we talk about it later?” Virgil was trying to hide himself, pulling his hood up as he sunk in the seat.

“So you knew he’s my brother?! Why didn’t you-!” Roman was interrupted when the car behind him pressed their horn, making them both jump. Roman waved to them in apology before stepping off of his break, pressing his gas. He took a deep breath and said in an angry voice, “Why didn’t you tell me he’s a reaper?”

“Because he- I don’t think he really wants you to know!”

“Why not?! Does he even know about what happened to me? Does he even know I can see past the veil or whatever the hell it’s called?!”

“Roman, please-” 

“He died a year ago! He’s my brother, I have every right to know about this! I just… does he not care? Why wouldn’t he want me to know?”

Virgil’s shoulders slumped when he heard the tears in Roman’s voice. He cautiously looked over to see tears had started to gather in the human’s eyes. He said in a softer voice, “Of course he cares. I don’t know why he doesn’t want to see you, I think he’s scared, but I do know that he cares. When I first told him about you, that you got into a car crash, it was the first time I had seen him so scared. Now yeah, I don’t normally speak with him, especially since I was on a different continent a year ago, but he’s dating my best friend so-”

“He has a boyfriend?! Oh my god, this just gets worse. How much else has changed that I don’t know about? I-I mean, I’m happy he’s happy but… I… Is he okay…?”

Virgil sighed, hearing the pain in Roman’s voice. “Yeah, Remus is doing okay. My friend is a good guy, he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him. I think they’re good for each other.”

Roman fell silent and Virgil felt the guilt building up inside his chest. He sighed as they pulled into the apartment parking lot and Roman tried to compose himself. He put the car in park before just resting his head against the headrest.

“I’m… I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you. I wasn’t sure how you would react, or how Remus would react. I just-”

“Why doesn’t he want to see me?” Roman’s voice was so quiet and sad. Virgil turned to him and saw a few tears escape his eyes, each felt like a stab to the reaper's chest.

“I… I don’t know. Like I said, I think he’s scared,” Virgil answered honestly.

Roman wiped his tears away, rubbing his eyes. “Right.” He turned off the car, pulling his keys out and climbing out. Virgil got out of the car and closed the door, but didn’t follow after Roman. He just watched the human walk to the apartment building before closing the door behind him.

“Gods dammit all,” Virgil cursed. He crossed back over the veil again and pulled out his phone. Guess he lied to Remus when he said he wasn’t going to force him to see his brother.


“No, no no this is a bad idea,” Remus whined as they walked up the apartment stairs. He tried to turn to leave, but Virgil grabbed his arm harshly.

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