Chapter 63: Welp...

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CW: blood, impaling, fading, infections, and main character death (kinda??? You'll see, and probably be relieved) This is another long one

Should he spare Ren? She took Sal from them, and it was an eye for an eye world, wasn't it? Well, guess that's not true anymore, people have become more lenient with each other. Even letting some get away with things they should be allowed to. But should Virgil give her mercy? Did she even deserve it?

It took longer than Virgil liked to find Ren, who seemed to constantly be on the move. Already he and Roman had to fight off several phantoms, and just as Virgil thought about taking Roman home to at least keep him safe, they saw her.

The bitch that made Sal fade. The moment Virgil saw her, he refused to look away. He had to keep his eyes on her so he wouldn't lose her. He summoned his sickles and jumped from rooftop to rooftop after her, Roman right behind him.

"Ren!" he shouted, throwing one of his sickles as she turned to them.

She stopped and turned around, summoning her bow and shooting an arrow all in a second. It hit the sickle, and Virgil pulled it back into his hand as it lost momentum.

"Virgil, don't kill her," Roman reminded him, wondering if he should pull out his phone. He needed to message Janus and Remus, but he didn't want to let his guard down while around Ren.

"I won't," he growled back as he stopped just a roof away from Ren. "You just focus on staying safe. I can't promise that I'll be able to protect you."

The white reaper watched both of them with piercing eyes. All three of them were still, wondering what the others were going to do next. She turned her gaze from Virgil to Roman, squinting her eyes.

"He should leave, this is between you and me," Ren advised.

"Why did you attack Sal?" Virgil asked, ignoring what she said.

"If he doesn't leave, I'll kill him."

"Like hell you will! Sal faded because of you, if you think I'll let you hurt anyone else you're sorely mistaken!"

Ren pulled back another arrow, pointing it at Virgil. "Fine, then let's make this harder than it needs to be." She turned to Roman and shot the white arrow. Virgil threw his sickle and hit it down, twisting the chain in a circle to let it shoot towards Ren.

The white reaper had pulled out another summoning circle and was already spreading blood on it. She jumped to the side to avoid the sickle and dropped the piece of paper.

A pair of red wings bursted from it, and a giant bird pushed itself out of the small circle as Ren jumped to another rooftop. Virgil's phone went off, warning them of the appearance of the class five that was in front of them. Unnecessary, but that takes care of contacting Janus and Remus.

Roman summoned a sword as the purple reaper cursed, having to block several arrows that Ren sent his way. She stayed out of reach, and the red phantom dived towards them.

Virgil didn't flinch as Roman jumped high, staying out of reach from the beak and talons as he cut deep into one of the wings. It screeched in pain as the red reaper landed behind Virgil.

"What do we do?" he asked.

"Keep the phantom focused on you, and stay out of it's reach. Can you do that without getting hurt?"


"If not go home, Janus and Remus should be here shortly to help."

"I can do it! As long as you can keep Ren focused on you."

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