Chapter 53: Pause! Rewind Please! Go Back!

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CW: Blood, choking, near death (fading), and a mental breakdown (This is a long one, friends).

"There's really not a lot of phantoms tonight," Roman said after he finished off a class three.

"No, not really," the purple reaper responded, sounding distracted. "I really don't like it, it feels off. At least you've gotten better, you've been able to fight on your own."

"Guess I'm a fast learner!"

"Since there's not a lot of phantoms out tonight, we should end it here. I have a bad feeling and I don't want you out here on your own if I need to go somewhere."

Roman faltered, his excitement vanishing. "Okay, if you say so. I trust your judgement." Virgil started chewing on his thumbnail as they started to head back. His hair was dark, making the human sigh. He put his hand on Virgil's shoulder and the reaper looked up at him. "I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be fine. After I get home safely, you can head out and get rid of as many phantoms as you want."

Virgil smiled, "Yeah, thanks. That might make me feel-" He stopped when the alarm on his phone went off, anxiety of what could happen being replaced by dread of what was happening. He quickly grabbed his phone, expecting another class four, but the words on his screen said differently. "It's a class five, where-"

Roman grabbed Virgil's arm and yanked him around the corner of a building. He put his finger to his lips when the reaper was about to say something.

Virgil nodded, but tried to discreetly look around the corner. He heard an animalistic growl coming from down the street and saw what looked like a lion's head peeking out from another alley, though it was dark pink and the ears were much longer. Oh right, and it was so big that it could swallow him whole.

His heart stopped when the head seemed to rise, and a giant hand grabbed the side of the building. It stepped out of the alley and sniffed for something, it's giant body almost human, though bulkier than any human body would be. That was definitely the class five.

He pulled himself back into the alley as the lion turned towards them. Virgil's heart was pounding hard and it was hard to keep breathing. He turned to Roman and whispered, "When you get the chance, run."

"There's no way I'm leaving you alone with that thing," Roman whispered yelled back.

"Roman, now is not the time to argue about this. You're not fighting this, I'll stay out of reach until the others can come. You go home."

"But-" He tried to argue, but Virgil jumped high enough to grab the fire escape on the side of the building. He pulled himself up and jumped again to reach the top of the building.

Roman looked around, trying to figure out what to do. He took a deep breath before following after Virgil. The moment he climbed onto the roof, Virgil was already jumping down and into the street.

The human raced to the edge of the building, looking down in time to hear the phantom roar as Virgil plunged his scythe into its shoulder. He pulled it out and jumped back in time to avoid the phantom swiping at him.

Roman felt dizzy, there was no way he could help Virgil fight that thing! He looked down at his dagger, it was like a thorn to the phantom! There's no way it would do any damage, but Virgil can't fight for long.

He whimpered when the phantom jumped at Virgil, it's claws landing where the reaper was. Virgil looked up at Roman, frowning in fear. He waved his hand at him, a clear sign for him to run, but he just couldn't! He couldn't help and he couldn't run.

Virgil was staying away as best as he could like he promised, but the phantom was fast. Roman saw the phantom try to grab him, it's claws scraping his arms as Virgil blocked while jumping back. Through the torn sleeves Roman could see bright orange cover his arms, he was already infected!

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