Chapter 24: Oh Virgil's Hella Gay

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Roman ran his hand through his hair for the millionth time, making Virgil roll his eyes. They were currently behind curtains on a stage, Roman trying to prepare himself for an audition.

"You're going to do fine, I've heard you sing before!" the reaper reminded him.

"I-I know, but still. What if I trip? Or what if my voice cracks? What if I forget a line?" Roman countered. "Oh... oh gods. This- I shouldn't be here. I failed my last audition, who's to say this will go any differently?"

"Who's to say you'll fail this one too? Do you know how many plays Shakespeare had scrapped? And yet he's famous. I don't know why cause he was a jerk, but he did give me a lot of creative insults before I sent him to his afterlife"

"Okay I'm going to skip over the fact that you met Shakespeare for now. How can we be sure this won't go wrong?"

Virgil shrugged. "We can't. Maybe your voice will crack, or maybe you will forget a line? Heck, maybe you'll even trip and literally break your leg."

"Not helping," Roman growled.

"But maybe it'll go really well. Maybe you'll have the best voice out of everyone here and you'll become the lead or whatever. You won't know until you get out there and try. But I think you have what it takes, Gaston."

"I'm trying to aim for the Beast. But I guess Gaston is the second best role, or maybe even Lumiere. Be Our Guest is a classic."

"Roman Prince!" a voice called from the stage.

"That's you, break a leg," Virgil told him. "Or y'know, don't."

"Haha, very funny," Roman said, walking to the stage. He took a deep breath before looking back at Virgil who gave him a thumbs up. The human nodded before walking out onto the stage.

Once neither could see each other, Virgil started pacing and biting his thumbnail. What if something really does go wrong? Gods, Roman was getting into his head. How was Virgil going to comfort him if he didn't get a callback?

He heard Roman state his name, the role he wanted to play, and what song he was going to sing. Something There from the movies, Roman had them watch the live action movies once they finished all of the animated movies, even though he said animated was better.

He started with Belle's verse, singing about how much kinder the Beast had become. Virgil found himself smiling as he listened to his friend's soothing voice, of course they had nothing to be worried about. Then he started to sing Beast's verse, and Virgil found himself humming. He could listen to Roman's voice forever. Just because he was an amazing singer of course, nothing else!

He started singing Belle's verse before moving onto the servants, finishing the song up quickly. Virgil blinked for a moment, just now realizing how small the song was. It was very disappointing, he wished Roman sang for longer.

After the song finished there was a terrifying silence. Virgil peaked through the curtains to see a man and a woman talking to each other in the audience, Roman waiting nervously. Virgil squinted, they better give Roman good news.

They finished their discussion and turned back to Roman. The woman spoke up, "Thank you, Mr. Prince. We'll be sure to call you to give you a date for your callback."

"Yes!" Roman cheered before his face turned red with embarrassment. "I uh, I mean... Thank you very much."

"Of course." The woman nodded.

Roman quickly left the stage and Virgil dashed after him, being thankful that no one could see him. Roman left the room, excitement making him move fast. Virgil caught up with him in the doorway and smiled wide.

"Congratulations, man!" Virgil told him. "Gods, Apollo blessed you with an amazing voice."

"I know!" Roman was too excited to tease Virgil about what definitely sounded like flirting, even though Virgil didn't realize it. "I'm just so happy that I have this callback! It might be a small play, but it's going to be so much fun! I'm so happy I have this play, especially since it's for charity."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah! It's for the orphanage that I came from, they've always done one every year. I remember coming to the plays as a child, it's what inspired me to do this. They also did one with the kids instead of adults, mostly because the orphanage co owns this theater, it was so much fun." Roman looked at him with a fond smile, only to freeze for a moment when he saw Virgil's hair was the brightest shade of purple he's ever seen, a whole galaxy of stars in his hair.

"I can't wait to see you up there on the stage, I hope you get a good role."

"You're going to watch?"

"Of course! I haven't been to a play since... I guess since I was alive. I would love to see what modern plays have in store, especially one based off of a Disney movie."

Roman smiled wider if that was even possible, giggling slightly. "I'm so glad! Gods, this is the best day ever!"

Virgil laughed, "Since when did you start saying 'gods?' I thought you only believed in one."

Roman blinked in surprise. "Huh, I don't know. I guess I started believing in the roman gods. Seeing you believe in them so much made me believe, is that weird?"

"I... k-kinda?"

"Probably," Roman laughed. "Still, it feels better believing in Jupiter and Juno, and all the other roman gods. Especially Apollo. It feels more natural, it fits me better."

"I guess we're rubbing off of each other then. You believe in the roman gods, and I like Disney."

"I guess I'm growing on you, huh?"

Virgil laughed and tried to push Roman away, only for his arm to go through. He laughed harder, making him stop to double over as Roman giggled.

"Sounds a bit self absorbed to be named Roman, and believe in the roman's religion, doesn't it?" Virgil teased.

"Jealous that I'm named after Romulus, the person who created Rome, while you're named after a Greek poet?"

"You know I was going to order pizza and have your friends come over tonight to celebrate, but guess you don't want to do that."

"Wait, no please! I'll get you a giant lollipop!"

Virgil laughed harder as they walked in the parking lot. "Get in your car and drive home, princey! I'll follow you from behind, probably stop at an ATM to get cash for the pizza."

"You're the best!" Roman jumped into the car and Virgil watched as he started to back up. It took only a few moments for him to realize he had called Roman 'princey' and he suddenly had a bad taste in his mouth.

He watched as Roman soon drove down the parking lot, hating the way his heart ached. There were too many similarities, too many parallels. And now... if Roman truly does believe in the roman gods then he has a chance of going to Elysium when he dies. He has a chance to leave Virgil forever, just like Romulus did.

Roman's car turned the corner and Virgil felt glued to the ground. He was too much like Romulus, even their names were the same. Roman was going to leave him forever someday.

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