Chapter 46: Is Now Really the Time for This?

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CW: slight blood

"Are you two okay?" Logan asked when they finally reached the car.

"I'm okay," Patton mumbled, rubbing his arm.

"I'll be fine," Roman quickly agreed, pacing slightly as he stared towards where the house was with worry. They had parked the car around the corner of the block since everywhere else either didn't have places to park or other cars were there.

Logan frowned in worry, looking at Roman's leg. There was a slight red stain on his pants, but he seemed to be walking fine.

He turned his gaze to the ground as he got lost in thought. He saw the door burst open and the doorway crack, he saw the scratches on the floor appear from nowhere, and he saw Virgil appear from nowhere before disappearing.

"What was that?" he asked.

Roman stopped pacing and turned to Logan before looking at Patton. Patton looked back at him with a worried expression before sighing.

"I was trying to tell you the truth earlier, right before all of that happened," the wind admitted. "It's really hard to explain."

"Was it a poltergeist? Are ghosts truly real?"

"Yes in a way," Roman answered. "It wasn't a poltergeist, it was a phantom."

"There's the living world and the spirit world," Patton explained. "There are nature spirits, like wind and fire, water and plants, and then there are phantoms. Phantoms try to eat spirits and souls, they cause problems in the living world sometimes too. That was a particularly strong one that had attacked us. Aside from nature spirits and phantoms, there are souls of creatures that have lived. Some human souls... become reapers and they serve under the original grim reaper."

"That sounds made up, there's no way that's true. I can believe in ghosts- or souls now, even maybe phantoms and nature spirits, but reapers? How do I know you're not lying?"

"Well... when reapers become powerful enough they can cross over to the living world. Spirits can do this too, but it's rare. Virgil... he's not human anymore, he's a reaper. Reapers help souls cross over the afterlife and fight phantoms to protect the living. In fact, that phantom that attacked us didn't follow because Virgil was there and he's probably still fighting it."

"He was right, we shouldn't have gone there," Roman mumbled to himself but Logan heard.

"I... I can't believe any of this. Truly, I can't, it's just unrealistic."

Patton sighed, drawing in on himself. "Another thing, an explanation for what I'm about to do to show proof. I'm not human, I'm a wind spirit. I'm just powerful enough to cross over. But... I-I'll just show you."

Logan frowned in confusion, only to jerk back when Patton disappeared. He was gone, as if turned invisible. Cautiously, Logan reached out and gasped when he felt his hand go through a cold spot. It warmed up for a moment and Patton appeared only a few steps away.

"What-what happened?" Logan's voice was quiet.

Patton frowned in worry before turning to Roman. "Go check on Virgil, make sure he's okay."

Roman nodded quickly before sprinting as fast as he could back to the house. Patton watched for a moment before looking down at the ground. "I know this is a lot to take in, and I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I can explain more later so you have a moment to think, but if you have any questions I'll answer them."

"Why did you keep this from me?" Logan looked hurt and almost scared.

"I... I hid this from everyone at first. Then Remus died and he became a reaper, and Roman got in a car crash and he started seeing everything, and Virgil appeared. I never wanted to tell anyone because I was afraid of being seen as a monster, or worse... something for scientists to study. I wanted to live like a human, I wanted to be human. You guys are amazing sometimes, other times not so much but you get the good with the bad. I guess... I was afraid that if I told you I was a wind spirit... then you would treat me differently. Besides, how do you even start that conversation?"

"You just did now."

"Yeah but you saw what it took to begin that conversation. If only that phantom hadn't interrupted, then it would have been much easier."

"So Roman's visions... those were ghosts and phantoms?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"And there's a whole other world that overlaps ours. You said we affect each other?"

"Yes, phantoms cause problems for the living and the living can create phantoms."

Logan leaned against the car and rubbed his eyes, taking off his glasses to do so. "This is... this is all too much to take in."

"I-I'd understand if you don't want to see me around anymore, I can leave."

"No, I don't want you to leave, Patton. I'm hurt that you didn't tell me any of this sooner, but you have valid reasons for keeping this from me. I have more questions, so many about Virgil, Roman, and Remus, but for later."

"Okay." Tension filled the air as both fell silent. "Are you okay?"

"Overwhelmed, very overwhelmed. But physically I am alright."

Patton hugged himself. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hiding this from you and you having to find out this way."

"Just promise me that you won't keep any more secrets."

"Okay, but I do have one other secret. Do you want me to tell you now or later?"

"How bad is it?" Logan asked hesitantly.

"Unless you don't like me, it's not that bad."

"Then... I would like to know."

Patton squeezed his eyes closed tight. "I like you a lot. In a romantic way."

Logan sighed, "I feel the same way about you."

"You do?" The wind spirit looked up at him with hope in his eyes.

"Yes, however I still need a moment to adjust to... everything."

"O-okay, yeah of course. And I do promise that from now on I won't keep anything from you. No more lying ever again!"

"Within reason of course, but I understand what you mean."

Logan and Patton looked away from each other when they heard Roman's voice. "Easy, don't hurt yourself."

"I'm fine, don't baby me." They both came into view and Logan saw Virgil holding his side, limping subtly enough that he wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't seen the holes in his pant leg and red stained bandages underneath.

"I'm just worried." Roman held Virgil's hand, keeping him steady as the two walked together.

"Virgil? Are you alright?" Logan asked.

"I'll live, I heal quickly," Virgil told him as they finally reached them. "More importantly, are you guys okay?"

"Yes we are, though your health is just as important as ours. Even if... well if what I was told was true then you were human and died?"

"Yeah, I'm guessing these two finally told you."

"Some of it, Patton says he'll tell me more later."

"Well, you can call me when you do if you have any questions for me. We should probably head home to rest though. It's not even noon and today's already been longer than it needed to be."

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