Chapter 49: Some Logicality Fluff, That's Rare in My Stories

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"I like this place," Patton said, sitting across from Logan. The night before, he finally gathered the courage to ask the teacher out on a romantic outing, and Logan had quickly agreed. So now they were sitting at a simple restaurant, not dressed up too fancy but just a small bit.

"Yes, this is quite nice," Logan agreed. "The food isn't too bad either."

"Can we get dessert?"

"Of course, the next time a waiter comes by I'll ask for some menus."

"Thank you! You're the best!"

Logan smiled. "I have enjoyed this outing quite a bit, did you have anything else planned?"

"I was thinking of going to the library? I know how much you prefer that over bookshops."

"Of course, going to libraries and checking out books help keep the library funded by the government. And when you go to the library you reuse books so it's not sitting on a shelf at home having been read only once, and they typically have a larger and older selection of books."

"Plus they all have that old book smell."

"Yes, the only downside is that the books are covered in germs much like money is, and some pages are defaced. It's a shame what happens to old books."

"I know, but the more books are used the more they get destroyed. The only way to keep them in perfect shape is if you keep them locked away or on display to never be touched."

"That's true, I guess there's beauty in that. I still hate finding food stains or crumbs in books though."

Patton laughed, "Yeah, I hate that too."

"Is everything okay?" a waiter asked as she came to check on them.

"Yes," Logan answered, turning to her. "However, can you get us menus for dessert?"

"Of course, right away!" She turned and went towards the front, grabbing some menus.

"I like her, we'll have to tip good," Patton said.

"'Tip well,' and I agree. It's a shame waiters don't get paid enough."

"Here you go," she placed two small menus in front of them. "I'll check on you in a bit."

"Thank you," Logan told her before turning to his menu. "Do you know what you're in the mood for?"

"I'm not sure," Patton admitted. He was looking through his own menu.

"Perhaps we can share a milkshake together? It would have to be well blended, because I don't like the grainy texture."

"Um..." Patton hesitated. "It sounds really nice and romantic but..."

Logan looked up from his menu. "If you don't want to share it with me, I'm okay with that."

"It's not that it's just... it's hard to explain. It might just be a rumor, but I heard that if spirit DNA mixed or entered a human then that human would be able to see the spirit world, and I'm not sure how much you would like that. Like if our blood mixed, or if you drank my backwash."

"Do you... not want me to see the spirit world?"

"I mean, part of me really wants you to! But I don't want it to overwhelm you, phantoms are very colorful, sometimes giant, and are around often. Then again, it could just be a rumor, I doubt it happens very often."

"Well... it would be nice to be able to see the spirit world. I would like to be able to see it, if only to keep us safe."

"Okay, then we can try it."

Logan turned back to the menu. "What flavor do you want?"

"Um... chocolate?"

"Okay, then we'll get a giant chocolate milkshake." Logan took Patton's menu and put them together, setting them down on the table.

"Do you two know what you want?" the waiter asked as she came over again.

"A large chocolate milkshake for us to share, well blended please?" Patton asked.

"Okay, a chocolate milkshake coming up." The waiter took the menus and walked off again after writing the order down.

"Are there any phantoms or spirits here right now?" Logan asked, not wanting to be surprised by things suddenly appearing around him.

"Well, one over at that table." Patton pointed at a family of four, all looking unhappy. The parents were trying to eat, but the kids didn't bother to touch their food, crossing their arms and leaning back in their seats. Logan couldn't see it, but there was a small phantom sitting in the middle of the table. It had droopy ears and small limbs, it's eyes were wide and staring at everything. "It's a weak one, but it's still there. I'm sure there's more outside."

"Okay, nothing too bad then. And they can't touch me?"

"No, but they can affect things around you and your mood. I'm sure that at some point or another a phantom has been around you, it's normal really. Reapers just try to get rid of them as soon as possible so they don't grow to become strong enough to cause serious problems."

"I can't even imagine how many phantoms have appeared during certain times of history."

"Yeah, it can get pretty bad. I'm still pretty young for a nature spirit, so I haven't been around during major time periods. Virgil has though, so if you have any questions about where he was during certain times you can ask him."

"I imagine he's been through a lot. Existing on Earth for two thousand years sounds like a lot."

"Yeah, but he's still pretty kind. Through his actions of course, he tries to be mean."

"He has that sort of demeaner. I'm happy he's gotten together with Roman, they seem happier together. Wait, does he actually work at a graveyard or was that a lie he came up with to keep cover?"

Patton giggled, "He probably doesn't. Death, the original grim reaper, pays them, which is where he gets his money at. A lot of his papers are forged too."

"I suppose I do have several questions about his job as a... reaper. And I suppose another bonus of being able to see the spirit world would be to see Remus again. Will I be able to hear him talk?"

"You should, I haven't ever heard about anyone who could see the spirit world but not hear it, unless they're Deaf."

"That's nice to hear. Actually... I'm now remembering the times that I had wished he hadn't spoken."

Patton broke down into laughter. "I mean! It's Remus!"

Logan sighed and shook his head slightly, though there was a smile on his lips. "Indeed it is."

The wind spirit looked over as the waiter started heading their way with a chocolate milkshake with two straws in hand. "Here we go," she said as she set it on the table. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Not now, thank you," Logan said.

"Okay, enjoy." She turned around and left to help out another table.

"Are you ready to see the spirit world?" Patton asked.

"I believe I am."

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