Chapter 44: Here's the Apology Fluff

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"Are you ready?" Roman asked, standing outside of Virgil's door.

"Almost, just hold on," Virgil told him, sounding nervous.

"I'm sure you look great!"

"If you keep rushing me I won't."

Roman sighed and folded his arms, leaning back. "Okay." He himself wore a long red skirt and a white shirt. A gold necklace hung around his neck, red feather earrings falling on his shoulders. He had detailed makeup, red eyeshadow with golden eyeliner. His lips were the same cherry red as his skirt, and there were small white dots under his eyes.

"Alright, I'm finished," Roman heard Virgil's voice as he got closer to the door. He stood up as it opened, his eyes going wide. "How do I look?"

"Amazing!" Roman shouted, bouncing slightly. "And you're wearing heels!? I love it!"

Virgil wore the purple shirt he had bought from Roman's work, the first few buttons undone showing some scars that peaked out. The shirt was tucked into black slacks, and he wore white socks with dark purple heels, though they weren't too big. Half of his hair was braided back, the other half falling in his face. He wore black lipstick, eyeliner under his eyes and purple eyeshadow on his eyelids.

He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. "Good, I'm-I'm glad."

"Will you be okay wearing heels? I don't want you falling."

"I'll be fine, besides, I'm sure you'll catch me if I do." Virgil gave him a small smirk, albeit he still looked nervous.

Roman chuckled lightly as a blush spread on his cheeks. "Using my line against me."

"Let's just go on this horrible date, already. I'm terrified to see what you have planned."

Roman took his hand. "You're going to hate it."

"Then let's head out, only if it means it'll be over faster." Virgil let Roman drag him out the door before telling you. "You look good too."

"Why of course! I always do."

Virgil rolled his eyes with a small laugh. "Okay lollipop."

"My red spirit hair is growing on you, don't lie."

"Yeah, okay." Virgil made it sound sarcastic, but he knew it was the truth. "Maybe you should dye your hair that color."

"Maybe I will, because I'll still rock it." Roman led them into the parking lot, trying to not walk too fast so Virgil wouldn't trip. "Okay, first stop! Dinner!"


"That was totally your fault," Virgil laughed as Roman and he walked through the town.

"I didn't mean to get us kicked out! It's not my fault those guards are so stingy," Roman pouted, though there was a slight giggle in his voice.

After they ate, Roman took them to the art museum. They had started talking about artists and the paintings, then techniques, but eventually it just turned into them laughing at them. Especially the historic paintings. Apparently they were being too loud and had disturbed the peace, so they were kicked out. Honestly it just made them laugh together even more.

"Okay but seriously, that one soldier's face in that painting."

Roman suppressed his giggles, "How accurate was that battle painting?"

"Hell if I know, I wasn't there. I was across the world during that time," Virgil explained, a smile wide on his face. "But I will tell you this, no soldier makes that face on the battlefield."

"I don't know if any human can make that face at all!"

"Well human faces can be very flexible."

"Don't say it like that! That's some Micheal Meyers shit! Even if his mask is made from rubber or something."


"We are not watching that! I got enough nightmares from the first time I watched it."

"Oh it's a horror movie! Now we have to watch it!"

"Absolutely not! I won the bet, I'm the one in charge of this date here!"

Virgil wrapped an arm around Roman's shoulders and leaned on him. "We'll watch it eventually! I'll have Remus send me a list of horror movies to watch with you. You wouldn't let me watch them alone, would you?"

"Uh yeah I would! You have more guts than me!"

"Oh how it hurts to be abandoned by my knight!" Virgil feigned hurt, putting a hand on his chest.

"I can see I've rubbed off on you."

"Yup. Oh! Thrift shops! Wanna go? Sometimes you can find the weirdest things in there."

"I'm hurt that you don't think I've ever been to one! Let's go!" Roman quickly grabbed Virgil's hand and pulled him inside the shop, the reaper having gotten used to walking with heels.

They greeted the girl at the cashier before looking around, Roman instantly pulling them to the clothes section.

"There's so many!" he awed. He grabbed a white shirt and looked at the price. "Aw, they're kinda expensive."

Virgil pulled out his card and tapped Roman's head with it. "Good thing I have this. Get anything you want, I think I have a few billion dollars left."

"Okay rich boy. You better be careful or I will take it as a challenge to max your card one of these days."

"You could try, buy yourself a mansion even."

"I think I'm fine in my apartment," Roman laughed. "Oh, look at this skirt!" He pulled out a purple plaid skirt. "I bet you would look great in it."

"Maybe, but people stare when boys wear skirts these days."

"Well screw them! Didn't you use to wear skirts all of the time?"

Virgil rubbed the back of his neck. "That was different. But if you really want me to get the skirt then maybe I'll wear it. Preferably on a day that we don't leave the apartment."

"And now I just need to find a casual skirt for myself to match! Maybe a red pencil skirt or something." Roman looked around. "Or whatever they have."

"We can get you a red pencil skirt elsewhere if they don't have one here. But I can tell that you're really embracing the color."

"Well according to whoever is in charge of what our spirits look like, it fits me best."

"Whatever you say, princey."

Roman slowed down for a moment as he continued to look through. "I know that you really only came because of the bet and all, but I'm glad you're here. Even if part of you probably wishes you were here with Romulus instead."

Virgil frowned. "What do you mean? I came here for you, not him. He's my ex, and you're... Well I'm glad I'm with you and not him. You're better than him."

"You still loved him."

"And I love you," Virgil said before he could stop himself. His face turned red immediately. "I-I mean, I just... You're really awesome to be around and..."

Roman smiled wide. "Does this mean you want to be boyfriends?"

"Well I... I wouldn't mind if we did this again. However many times you want." Virgil looked away as his face burned brighter. "And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that because you're reincarnated from Romulus. I liked you like this before I found out about that."

"Guess you did fall madly in love with me," Roman teased.

"Shut up or I'll leave you here."

The human laughed, pulling Virgil into a hug. "I would love to do this again with you sometime."

Virgil hugged him back awkwardly. "Boyfriends it is then."

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