Chapter 62: What Do You Mean No Killing?

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"Ren probably ditched her phone," Virgil said, putting his own away. "Janus probably put a look out for her as well."

"She could be anyway," Roman sighed. "What if she's no longer in the city?"

"I'll follow her to the ends of the Earth."

Roman sighed, hating that there wasn't a hint of color in Virgil's hair still. "It's getting late, maybe we should go home to rest."

"I'm not going to rest until I find Ren. You can go home, I don't care, but I need to find her."


The purple reaper turned to him, his eyes softening for a moment. "I know you're upset about Sal. You can go home to mourn, I'll message you if I find her."

"I'm not going to leave you alone out here, it's too dangerous. I know you still need to mourn as well, you need to take some time for your mental health."

"I'm a roman, I don't-"

"Didn't I- or Romulus die because of your death?! I dreamed those memories, he was driven to the edge! I don't want the same thing to happen to you. So don't give me this 'roman' bullshit!"

Virgil sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I'll take some time to mourn, I promise. After I find Ren. Romulus was able to avenge me, so why can't I avenge Sal?"

"I'm not saying you can't, what I'm saying is to take breaks. You need rest or you'll burn yourself out, and you'll leave yourself vulnerable to phantom attacks."

"I don't burn out easily, Roman. If you want to go home, then you can, but I'm not going to rest for a while, hopefully not until I find Ren."

Virgil turned and ran off again, searching for any sign of Ren. Roman sighed before chasing after, "As if I'm going to leave you alone."

They continued to search quite a while before hearing their names be called. "Virgil! Roman!" It was Janus, he must have spotted them because he was quickly heading their way. He frowned as he looked between the two, "What are you guys doing?"

"Where's Remus?" Roman asked, looking around.

"We split up to search faster. Now answer my question."

"We're looking for Ren," Virgil answered.

The frown on Janus's face deepened. "Are you sure you should be doing that?"

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much." It came out as a deep growl. "Have you found anything?"

"Virgil, you should be back at home resting. You shouldn't-"

"What?! I shouldn't what?! I can find Ren, and I can take her down."

"You'll kill her!"

"So be it!" Virgil's old accent came out as he yelled in anger.

"You are not to do such a thing." Janus grabbed his arm, both reapers glaring at each other. "You know killing another reaper is forbidden! If you're lucky, you'll be at sea for a hundred years. If not, you'll be fired and forced to cross!" Roman paled at the idea, watching the two argue. "If you don't think you can keep yourself from killing Ren, then you'll be forbidden to look for her!"

"I-I have to agree with Janus," Roman admitted. "I don't want you to leave. If you kill Ren, then we'll be separated."

Virgil glared at the both of them before pulling his arm out of Janus's grip. "Fine. I won't kill her. I'll look for her, and let Death decide her punishment. I can't promise that she won't be injured though."

"Only if she puts up a fight."

"No. Promises." His eyes sharpened in anger. "She killed Sal. That's the best you're getting, and you can't stop me."

Janus sighed, "Once a roman, always a roman."

"Hey!" Roman said, quite offended.

"Fine, you can look for her. But once you find her, one of you two have to message me. As the one in charge of this city, I'll take her to Death from there."

"As long as she gets what she deserves."

"I'll make sure of that, trust me." Janus looked over to Roman. "Make sure one of you two messages me if you find her, and keep him from killing her."

"I'll do my best," he promised.

"Good." The yellow reaper turned to leave but froze. "Stay safe you two." And with that, he left, continuing his own search.

Roman sighed, hugging himself. "How are we going to find Ren?"

Virgil was quiet for a moment. "She was caught summoning phantoms, and there was a good while between then and the shadow alert, so she safely assumed Sal was able to tell someone before she died. She knows she's being hunted down, but she still hates me so she will want to at least hurt me before she's stopped. She'll be summoning large amounts of phantoms. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out."

"So what, do we bait her out?"

"No, that won't work. We just look for a bunch of phantoms." Virgil pulled out his phone again. "Look in areas where large numbers of phantoms will appear."

Roman looked over his shoulder. "I know she hates you and all, though I don't know why, but are you sure she's still in the city? She could have left."

"Every reaper everywhere will keep an eye out for her. A reaper's death is a serious thing, but even more serious is a traitorous reaper, no one lets that slide." They watched Virgil's phone and saw several red dots pop up. The purple reaper smiled. "Found her."

"But she usually leaves quickly, by the time we get there she'll be gone," Roman pointed out.

"You're right, but she can't go to any afterlifes. That's too much of a risk, she could be caught, so she's traveling by foot. We just need to know in which direction, and we'll find her."

"Hearing you plan is giving me deja vu, you're talking exactly the way you did when talking over battle strategies while alive."

"You do not piss off a former legionary, especially one that usually helped with planning. Ren is crafty, but she's an idiot for thinking she can get away with what she's done." They saw several more red dots appear in another concentrated area. "She's heading south, let's go before she summons a class four or five."

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